by Aissata Bah, age 13
Music serves as a form of art and tradition, expressing a wide spectrum of emotions, including anger, amusement, and sadness. It wields a remarkable emotional power that can transform one's mood, evoke physical sensations, and trigger the retrieval of long-lost memories.
The human brain responds to music in profound ways. When we listen to music, various parts of the brain come into play, including the temporal lobe, amygdala, frontal lobe, cerebellum, and hippocampus. These brain regions are involved in processes related to memory, emotions, communication, and muscle control. They help individuals analyze the components of music, such as instruments, lyrics, and musical chords. Moreover, the brain can recognize harmonies and notes, grasp lyrics, and synchronize with the rhythm, giving rise to new emotional experiences.
Music holds a special place in the hearts of many people, offering both enjoyment and therapeutic benefits. According to the Berklee Music and Health Institute, music can open pathways to healing. It has been used as a therapeutic tool for various conditions, ranging from alleviating subjective distress in chronic pain syndromes to influencing the reward circuitry in addiction disorders, the psychomotor pathways in Parkinson's disease, and even the functional connectivity changes in autism spectrum disorders. In simpler terms, music can serve as a form of medicine for trauma, chronic pain, addiction, and conditions that involve a disconnection between the brain and the body. Remarkably, music therapy can provide strength to patients undergoing surgeries, chemotherapy, and other medical treatments due to its emotional effects. [Read More]