More than a Name: The Legacy of Dr. Virginia Henderson

by Cristian Cruz
Virginia Henderson was a philanthropist, activist, teacher, and community leader. Shortly after she passed away, the Madison School Board voted unanimously to rename Glendale Elementary School in her honor. This recognition represented the community's love and appreciation for everything Dr. Virginia Henderson accomplished.
Now, Simpson Street Free Press has launched an all new Virginia Henderson Free Press publication. But who was Dr. Virginia Henderson?
I was 10-years old when I first met Virginia Henderson. I was a middle school staff writer at Simpson Street Free Press and Virginia was a member of our board of directors. She always took the time to talk with us and encourage us. And she always supported our work. I still remember how she would ask us, the students, about our articles and what we were working on. Dr. Henderson talked to us about the importance of writing and academic achievement; always with a warm and caring tone. Each year, at the Women In Focus – “I Have a Dream Ball,” Virginia would welcome us and make us feel special. For us, getting to see Dr. Henderson was always one of the highlights of the event. [Read More]