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More than a Name: The Legacy of Dr. Virginia Henderson

by Cristian Cruz

Virginia Henderson was a philanthropist, activist, teacher, and community leader. Shortly after she passed away, the Madison School Board voted unanimously to rename Glendale Elementary School in her honor. This recognition represented the community's love and appreciation for everything Dr. Virginia Henderson accomplished.

Now, Simpson Street Free Press has launched an all new Virginia Henderson Free Press publication. But who was Dr. Virginia Henderson?

I was 10-years old when I first met Virginia Henderson. I was a middle school staff writer at Simpson Street Free Press and Virginia was a member of our board of directors. She always took the time to talk with us and encourage us. And she always supported our work. I still remember how she would ask us, the students, about our articles and what we were working on. Dr. Henderson talked to us about the importance of writing and academic achievement; always with a warm and caring tone. Each year, at the Women In Focus – “I Have a Dream Ball,” Virginia would welcome us and make us feel special. For us, getting to see Dr. Henderson was always one of the highlights of the event. [Read More]

Toucans Are More Than Just Big Bills and Bright Feathers

by Kai Shade, age 8

There are roughly 10,000 species of birds always moving around the world. Birds, in general, are the descendants of feathered dinosaurs from long ago, and their limbs turned into wings over time. There are two types of feathers. One is the strong-stalked “contour.” where are the outer feathers. Beneath the contour feather are fluffier “down” feathers, which keep birds warm.

Toucans are a very friendly and fun species of birds. Toucans primarily eat fruit and use their large beaks to pluck these fruits from tree branches. While their beaks are very large – even bigger than their heads – they are very lightweight and not made of solid bone. Instead, these beaks are filled with spongy tissue. [Read More]

How Deep Sea Fish Use Light to Survive in the Dark

by Edna Torres, age 6

Many deep sea fish use light-producing organs to survive since the sun cannot reach the deeper level of the sea.

There are many fish that live in the deep sea, like lanternfish, hatcherfish, and anglerfish. These fish are intriguing and interesting because they don’t act like typical fish. [Read More]

The Fastest Land Animal Faces High Risk of Extinction

by Ermiyas Abiy, age 9

Cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world, however they cannot outrun their high risk of extinction due to human activity. Reporters in Eastern Africa have gathered information about the cheetah blackmarket from interviewing people who have allegedly sold them. They say cheetahs are sold as pets, poached for their skin, and illegally traded. Eastern Africa is where most of the illegal trade occurs. Due to this, most of the cheetah population has declined. [Read More]

Frogs Around the World Show Amazing Ways to Survive

by Isabella Flores, age 7

Frogs come from all over the world, living in dry environments such as deserts and very wet ecosystems like rainforests. While there are some poisonous frogs, many are harmless. Frogs eat various small insects, worms, and even larger species like mice and snakes.

One well-known frog is the red-eyed tree frog. These frogs specifically camouflage themselves in rainforest trees to hide from predators. They hide all their bright colors by shutting their eyes, covering their blue sides with their legs, and tucking in their bright orange feet beneath their bellies. The red-eyed tree frog has sticky pads on its feet for climbing and its long strong legs help it jump between branches. [Read More]

Historic Space Mission Returns Asteroid Samples to Earth

by Iliyan Hoskins, age 11

On Sept. 24, 2023, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft delivered an important package that NASA had been anticipating for seven years.

“This is the rarest stuff we’ve ever had on Earth,” said James Garvin, chief scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The package contained rocks and dust from the asteroid Bennu. While it may not seem like much, these components can help scientists understand what materials came together to build our solar system and potentially how life began. The samples also provide valuable insight into the dangers posed by asteroids that could collide with Earth. [Read More]

Bush Vipers Are Camouflaged Predators with a Venomous Bite

by Gerardo Sanchez Ramirez, age 10

Bush vipers are incredible snakes that have unique physical features and characteristics.

The scales of a bush viper are ridged and help the snake grip to surfaces. Their scales range in many colors from green and brown to yellow and black. These snakes rely on their color and scale patterns to camouflage and avoid detection. Bush vipers have large round eyes with vertical pupils. Their eyes are well adapted to help them find prey in dim lighting. Bush vipers have broad triangular heads; this head shape helps accommodate the space needed for their large salivary glands that produce and store their venom. Similar to other snakes, the bush viper uses its tongue to track its prey. It occasionally flickers its tongue to capture the scent molecules emitted from other creatures. [Read More]

Cottonmouth Snakes: Powerful Swampland Predator

by Sessina Zerezghi, age 7

The cottonmouth snake is a dangerous reptile. It has fast reflexes, strong jaws, and poisonous venom. The bulky coils of its body are full of strong muscles.

The cottonmouth lives in swamplands and near water in the southeast United States. Cottonmouths stay in water and hunt goldfish and frogs. They also consume tadpoles, reptiles, birds, and small mammals such as rats and mice. [Read More]

Small Caterpillars, Big Transformations

by Dilma Attidekou, age 10

Caterpillars are small insects that shapeshift into bigger insects known as butterflies.

Caterpillars, also known as butterfly larvae, have big heads and strong jaws. They use these parts as tools for cutting up food. Their bodies are split into 13 segments. The rear part of the caterpillar is the abdomen and the front is the thorax. [Read More]

Giant Turtles Once Roamed Through South America

by Aarosh Subedi, age 10

The extinct turtle called the Carbonemys roamed around what is now known as Colombia 60 million years ago. It was a massive side-neck turtle. Its scientific name is Carbonemys cofrinii or coal turtle, which is fitting since its fossil was discovered in a coal mine. In 2005, the fossil was discovered in Colombia by paleontologist Edwin Cadena. This turtle was the largest turtle species in the area at the time. Their average length was five foot seven inches. [Read More]

The History behind Famous Iconic Cartoon Hello Kitty

by Sol-Saray, age 10

Many of you may know Hello Kitty, but can you really call yourself a fan if you do not know her history?

Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon character that was created in 1974 by the Japanese company Sanrio. Although she looks like a cat, she is actually a little girl with cat ears, a yellow nose, and no mouth. No one exactly knows why the character does not have a mouth. She has a twin sister who goes by Mimi. You probably would not be able to tell them apart if it were not for their iconic bows—Hello Kitty's bow is red and Mimi’s is yellow. The sisters grew up with their parents in suburban London according to Sanrio. [Read More]

Invertebrates: The Boneless Group of Animals

by Aarosh Subedi age 10

Invertebrates are animals that do not have any backbones; they also have features unique to the specific species.

The species of invertebrates include jellyfish, lobsters, crabs, clams, sea stars, sea urchins, sponges, insects, spiders, worms, centipedes, and millipedes. Invertebrates and vertebrates share features like hemoglobin which makes your blood cells red, poison defense moves, strong eye vision, and gills. However, one feature that vertebrates don’t have but invertebrates do is called radial symmetry. [Read More]

Monarch Butterflies are on The Endangered Species List

by Max Moreno, age 10

On July 21st, 2022 the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUNC) placed the most popular butterfly, the monarch butterfly, as an endangered species. Developed in 1964 the IUCN is an organization that protects nature.

There are various reasons why they are endangered. One reason is global warming which has dried out and killed plants causing a lack of food and death from starvartion. Another dangerous thing to butterflies is the use of pesticides. It doesn't end there. In 2016, over 30 percent of butterflies were killed because of overwintering in Mexico and a snowstorm that took down trees that butterflies rested on. [Read More]

Canada’s Great Northern Lake

by Ruben Becerril Gonzalez, age 10

Did you know that the Great Bear Lake is one of the coldest lakes on the planet? Also known as Sahtu, this lake was named by native people living in the area.

Great Bear Lake is both very large and very deep. In fact, it is the fourth largest lake in North America, and the eighth biggest freshwater lake in the entire world! The lake averages 235 feet in depth with a maximum of 1,463 feet. For much of the year, between late November and July, Great Bear Lake is covered in ice. [Read More]

Red Panda? More like Red Raccoon!

by Dalya Alquraishi age 10

The red panda is a cute and fuzzy animal that lives in China and the eastern Himalayas. It is commonly believed that these mammals are related to pandas, however red pandas are instead more closely related to raccoons.

Red pandas are known for their incredible climbing abilities; because of this, they developed a “fake” thumb. This thumb is an extended wrist that improves their climbing and handling of food. Red pandas are mainly recognized for their eye-catching fur color and cuteness. These pandas lick themselves clean and are similar in size to a house cat. Red pandas wrap their tails to keep warm when they are asleep. Besides the mating season, red pandas tend to live solitary lifestyles. Their lifespan in the wild can be up to 15 years and in captivity they can live up to 20 years. They eat small animals, insects, and bamboo. [Read More]

Exploring the Largest Lake in Africa: Lake Victoria

by Juan Esteban Palma Zuluaga, age 10

Africa is known for its many beautiful landscapes, animals, and lakes, one being Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is known to be the biggest tropical lake on Earth, and is the second largest freshwater lake on Earth by land area, following only Lake Superior.

Lake Victoria is about 255 miles long and 155 miles wide. It is only 276 feet deep. Being in the East of Africa close to the equator and between the countries of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania, Lake Victoria is one of the most well-known water sources for the Nile River. Other smaller rivers and streams, like the Kagera River, flow into this lake. [Read More]

Explore the Mighty Congo River in the Heart of Africa

by Sol-Saray, age 10

Africa is home to many great rivers. One of them is known as the Congo. In Africa, the Congo is only slightly shorter than the Nile in length, and is just as important to the people who live along the river.

The Congo has been very efficient for the people of Africa when it comes to transporting goods like food, medicine, clothes, and other items to people living along the river. It is also used for fishing and irrigating crops like peanuts, cotton, and sugarcane.

In the river, there are over 30 waterfalls and many other islands. It is near the equator, meaning it can get very hot and wet. The river receives around 90 inches of rain annually. There are 200 species of fish that live on the river. Many animals eat the tall grass that grows along the river, including buffalo, antelopes, zebras, gazelles, and giraffes. [Read More]

Would You Want to Live on Neptune?

by Dilma Attidekou, age 8

Neptune, the smallest out of all outer planets, is known for its blue color. Methane is the reason for its color. Neptune has less then four percent of methane within its atmosphere.

Neptune is very far from Earth, approximately 2.5 billion miles away. Pluto is usually farther from the sun than Neptune, but once every 248 years, Pluto crosses in front of Neptune. The planet has enormous storms, but they don’t last as long as Jupiter's great Red Spot.

Neptune takes 165 Earth years to orbit around the sun. Due to the planet's orbit being almost a perfect circle, its seasons are all of even length. Neptune’s climate and seasons are different from Earth’s seasons. [Read More]

Sea Turtles Are Gentle Giants of the Ocean

by Semaia Zeregezhi, age 10

Sea turtles are tranquil, loving reptiles, and they can range in size from small to absolutely massive. The largest sea turtles can weigh more than eight people combined! Their shells consist of an upper part called a “carapace” and a lower section called a “plastron.” Hard scales, also known as “scutes,” cover all species of turtles except leatherback turtles.

There are six different species of sea turtles. The Olive Ridley turtle normally weighs less than 100 pounds. The leatherback usually ranges from 650 to 1,300 pounds. The carapace of each turtle ranges in color, length, shape, and arrangement of scales. The plastron is located beneath the sea turtle's stomach. [Read More]

Bees and Wasps Are Similar Yet Surprisingly Different

by Dellany Onyango, age 9

Bees and wasps are winged insects that share many similarities but also have distinct differences. Both insects have a proboscis, a specialized mouthpart that helps them drink water and nectar. Female bees and wasps have an organ called an ovipositor, which can be used for either laying eggs or, in some species, as a stinger. Since male bees and wasps don’t lay eggs, they do not have an ovipositor and, therefore, cannot sting.

Bees and wasps are found on all continents except Antarctica and can thrive in various environments, from deserts to grasslands. Their diets mainly consist of nectar and pollen, but some wasps are also carnivorous, feeding on small invertebrates such as caterpillars and spiders. [Read More]

Giraffes Are Graceful Animals of the African Grasslands

by Isabella Flores, age 7

Did you know that baby giraffes are known as calves? These calves are about six feet tall when they are born!

The scientific name for a giraffe is giraffe camelopardalis. These animals are herbivores which means their diet consists of plants, grass, leaves, and fruit. These mammals can weigh up to 1,750 to 2,800 pounds, and can grow up to 19 feet tall!

Calves commonly die due to lion attacks during the beginning of their lifespan. Adult giraffes can protect themselves due to their height. Along with their height, giraffes have long tongues, necks, and strong legs for running. For giraffes to stay safe, they need to be mindful of their surroundings when bending down to rest or drink water. [Read More]

Cómo las plantas acuáticas sobreviven en el agua

por Semaia Zerezghi, edad 9

Las plantas acuáticas son plantas que viven en el agua. Estas especies viven en el margen de estanques, ríos y pantanos. Un ejemplo de este tipo de plantas es la Vallisneria spiralis, una planta oxigenante, que suele estar en estanques y acuarios.

Muchas de las plantas acuáticas se encuentran bajo el agua, pero también hay algunas expuestas al aire. El pequeño sistema de raíces sirve para anclar la planta y para directamente absorber el dióxido de carbono y los minerales del agua. Algunas plantas que están bajo el agua contienen bolsas de aire que les ayudan a sobrevivir en estas condiciones. [Leer más]

Three Wisconsin Birds that Weigh Less than an Ounce

by Joseph Zheng, age 10

Wisconsin's smallest birds can weigh less than a pencil. The Downy woodpecker, American goldfinch, and house sparrow are all examples of small birds commonly found in the state.

The Downy woodpecker is 11 to 14 centimeters long and typically weighs around 20 grams. These woodpeckers are frequently seen at bird feeders, where they enjoy suet, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and even peanut butter. Downy woodpeckers are also fond of drinking sugar water. They produce high-pitched calls that are easy to recognize, along with rapid drumming sounds created by tapping their feet during mating displays, which can sound continuous due to their speed. [Read More]

The Basilisk Lizard Defies Gravity on Water

by Kai Shade-Adamus, age 8

The basilisk lizard is a fascinating reptile known for its ability to walk on water, thanks to its speedy, powerful legs.

This reptile is found in southern Mexico and Central America. The basilisk lizard is famous for its swift legs that create pockets of air in the water. These air pockets help the lizard stay above the surface, allowing it to travel across the water with ease.

The basilisk lizard has physical features that aid in its survival. Its long, strong legs enable it to walk on water, and its sharp claws provide protection and help it grip onto surfaces, even while it’s sleeping. [Read More]

Humpback Whales Are the Big Singers of the Ocean

by Isabella Flores Gonzalez, age 7

The humpback whale is a marine mammal found in oceans around the world. These massive creatures can grow as long as 50-60 feet and weigh as much as 40 tons, making them one of the largest animals in the sea.

Humpback whales have a diet that includes krill, small fish, and other small marine organisms. Instead of teeth, they have baleen, comb-like structures in their upper jaws that help them filter food from water. When feeding, a humpback whale opens its mouth wide, allowing water and small prey to enter. It then uses its tongue to push the water out through the baleen, trapping the prey inside to be swallowed.

In addition to their unique feeding technique, humpback whales are remarkable for their ability to hold their breath for up to 30 minutes during deep dives, although they typically stay submerged for around 10-20 minutes. They are also famous for their songs, which can last up to 15 minutes and are believed to be part of mating displays. [Read More]

Why Snow Leopards Are Called Ghosts of the Mountains

by Sessina Zerezghi, age 7

Snow leopards, also known scientifically as Panthera uncia, are interesting animals. They are similar to lions, pumas, and other big cats. Unfortunately, these leopards are endangered.

Snow leopards live in 12 central Asian countries, some including China, India, Nepal, and Russia. Snow leopards have many abilities that help them survive extreme cold weather. These mammals have a tail that measures up to 36 inches. They weigh between 60 to 120 pounds. Snow leopards also have beige fur that helps them blend in with the rocks and terrain in their environment. The spots on their coats help them camouflage into their environment.

Snow leopards have only been seen by a few people, which is why they are known as the “ghost of the mountains.” Since these leopards are rarely spotted, researchers believe there are only about 3,500 to 37,000 snow leopards left in the wild. These cats are endangered because their food, like wild sheep and ibex, is constantly being hunted. Researchers use satellite radio collars to track where snow leopards travel. [Read More]

Learn All About the Unicorns of the Ocean

by Reety Subedi, age 8

Narwhals are popularly known as the “unicorns of the sea.” However, they are scientifically known as Monodon monoceros.

Narwhals eat flatfish, cod, shrimp, squid, and crab. Their food is found during their long dives. Narwhals use echolocation to locate their prey and they can dive down more than one mile deep in search of their food. It is unknown if their tusk is helpful during hunting or feeding.

Narwhals have a sausage-shaped body, round head, and no beak. Babies are dark gray, adults are gray and white, and older ones are white. Instead of a dorsal fin, narwhals have ridges located on their back and tail flukes that curve backward giving them a unique appearance adapted to life in Arctic waters. A well-known feature of the narwhal is their tusks, which can grow up to ten feet long. The tusk that narwhals grow is also considered a tooth. This tooth helps them feel or taste. [Read More]

Learn About the Fat Tailed Savannah Monitor

by Lucas Abiy, age 7

The savannah monitor is a long and stocky lizard that lives in Central and West Africa, encompassing areas of Senegal to parts of Ethiopia. These lizards can live up to 30 years!

The savannah monitor has many unique physical features. A savannah monitor weighs four to ten pounds and can reach five feet in length. Their tails swell up with fat to help them during seasons when food is scarce. Their skin is thick and scaly to help with moisture retention and survival in arid environments. They also have razor-sharp teeth and claws for defense. Their strong hips and legs also allow for easy navigation on the ground.

The reptile's split tongue is used for smell, they constantly flick their tongues to pick up the scent of nearby prey. Upon catching prey, these creatures like to be left alone to feast. Their diet consists of frogs, smaller lizards, invertebrates, and other small animal. [Read More]

The Golden Eagle Is a Fierce Bird of Prey

by Lucas Abiy, age 7

The golden eagle is one of the best-known birds of prey. These eagles live in the northern hemisphere, including Eurasia, North America, the Scottish Highlands, and North Africa.

The golden eagle can weigh up to seven kilograms, and it ranges from 26-35 inches in length, while its wings measure 180-234 inches. Female goal eagles are usually larger than the males.

When a golden eagle is born, it may appear different from its mother or father. The golden eagle could have freckles or spots. Their feathers can be black, brown, and dark brown. The eagle also has a golden tint along the back of its head, which is the origin of its name. [Read More]

Learn About Wisconsin’s Largest Lake

by Ermiyas Abiy, age 9

Wisconsin's largest lake is well known for hosting some of the state’s most popular fishing events.

Lake Winnebago is approximately 137,700 acres and the perimeter of the lake is about 88 miles. The depth of the lake reaches 21 feet, which is exactly seven yards deep.

Lake Winnebago formed after the Ice Age and after glaciers went away from Wisconsin. This giant lake formed from the remains of Glacial Lake Oshkosh 12,000 years ago, and Native Americans started to settle on the coast of Lake Winnebago. [Read More]

The Mysterious Giants That Shape Our Galaxy

by Aloniab Gezae, age 10

A black hole is a region in space with an extremely powerful gravitational force. Black holes aren’t holes; rather, they are composed of extremely dense material packed into a tiny space, creating a remarkable force that pulls everything inward. This gravity draws in anything that comes near, and it is so strong that even light cannot escape. Black holes are called “black” because they are invisible in space.

There are two types of black holes, a supermassive and a stellar. Supermassive black holes are the largest, with masses millions of times greater than that of the sun. The black hole at the center of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A, is a supermassive black hole that plays a crucial role in influencing the motion of stars around the center of the Milky Way. The most common type of black hole is the stellar black hole, which forms from the collapse of a massive star and can be around 20 times the mass of the sun. [Read More]

These Big Cats Are Often Mistaken for Otters but Are Stealthy Predators of the Americas

by Lucas Abiy, age 7

The jaguarundi cat is an amazing creature. Due to their small stature and slender-long body, these wildcats are commonly mistaken for weasels or otters.

The jaguarundi cat has sharp canines and carnassials to rip up flesh from their prey. This cat feeds on amphibians, small birds, mammals, reptiles and fish. These creatures have rough tongues with small bumps called papillae to collect the remaining flesh off bones.

The jaguarundi weighs around five to nine kilograms; its body is about 55-77 centimeters, with its tail being 33-60 centimeters. They have soft pads on their feet covered in thick hair that allow them to grip onto trees and stalk their prey silently through the dense forest. These cats have ear flaps that can focus on sounds and enhance hearing. [Read More]

Mallard Ducks: Beloved Residents of Wisconsin’s Waterways

by Joseph Zheng, age 10

In Wisconsin, mallard ducks are very common, especially near water. They are so common that the “Madison Mallards” is the name of a Wisconsin baseball team.

Mallards might plant nests in your roof, flowerpot, or chimney. Be cautious and prepared whenever they come and make a home out of your belongings.

Mallard ducks have big, round heads and flat, wide bills. This duck has a wingspan of about 32 to 37 inches and weighs about one to four pounds. Mallards support their diet with dragonflies, larvae, and gastropods, but the most common food source that mallard ducks eat all year long is grain from crops. Occasionally, they might eat small fish, but their diet mainly comprises plants and small invertebrates. Mallard ducks are nicknamed “Dabbling Ducks” because they tip forward in the water to reach aquatic plants and insects, rather than diving deeply. [Read More]

The Largest Leopard in the World Stalks the Forests of Iran

by Ermiyas Abiy, age 9

The Persian leopard, also known as the Caucasian Leopard, is a highly rare animal found in Iran. For decades, it has rarely been spotted outside of this country. Generally, these leopards have only been occasionally spotted and were thought to be extinct outside of Iran. However, while the majority of Persian leopards live in Iranian forests, some also inhabit regions of Afghanistan, Russia, Pakistan, and Turkey.

Persian leopards are the largest subspecies of leopard in the world. The leopard lives in forests, but due to their rareness, little is known about them. Furthermore, their low populations have initiated the development of leopard reserves in several countries.

Female leopards are viviparous which means the propagates already start growing before they are out of their mom’s stomach. They leave their mothers when they are 18 to 24 months old, but before they leave, their mothers share valuable hunting skills with their cubs. They do this by bringing them on a hunt when they are only three months old. [Read More]

Cristiano Ronaldo: Breaking Records and Shining on the World Stage

by Gerardo Ramirez, age 10

Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, most commonly known as Cristiano Ronaldo, is a famous soccer player born in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Ronaldo was given his name in honor of his father’s favorite movie actor Ronald Reagan, who was the US president at the time.

Ronaldo is six feet and one inch tall, and he started as a right-winger before transitioning into a forward. At the age of 15, Ronaldo was diagnosed with a heart condition, which required medical treatment that allowed him to continue playing soccer. He first joined Clube Desportivo Nacional de Madeira and later transferred to Sporting Clube de Portugal, where he made his senior debut. [Read More]

How San Francisco Built the Golden Gate Bridge

by Lina Al Quraishi, age 10

Spanning one of the largest and safest harbors in the world, the Golden Gate Bridge is 1.7 miles long and has been in use for 87 years. The Golden Gate Bridge opened on May 27th, 1937, linking San Francisco with Marin County, California. The bright red color of the bridge, known as "International Orange," allows for easy visibility even during foggy or rainy weather.

The person who designed the bridge was Joseph Strauss, the chief engineer responsible for its construction. He was assisted by a consultant, Irving Morrow, who contributed to the bridge’s Art Deco design and the choice of its iconic color. [Read More]

What Is Bluetooth? Exploring Its Uses and Security Tips

by Aarosh Subedi, age 11

Bluetooth is a form of technology that connects devices without the need for cables or wires. There are several interesting aspects of Bluetooth.

Through Bluetooth, multiple devices can communicate with each other. Bluetooth capability in devices is now commonly an electronic “standard,” meaning manufacturers and companies typically incorporate specific requirements to allow other devices to interact with and recognize their products via Bluetooth.

A large number of personal electronic devices (PEDs) utilize Bluetooth technology. For example, people can operate computers with a wireless keyboard or use a wireless headset for phone calls. These are just a few examples of Bluetooth technology in daily life. [Read More]

El ciclo de vida de un bebé lobo

por Joseph Zheng, edad 9

En la primavera, las lobas hembras dan a luz a crías recién nacidas en madrigueras después de nueve semanas de gestación.

Una loba adulta encaja perfectamente en una madriguera, que se excava tres metros de largo antes de quedar preñada. Durante el primer mes después del nacimiento de los cachorros, la madre asume toda la responsabilidad de la manada de lobos. [Read More]

Colugos: Incredible Gliders from Southeast Asia

by Delany Onyango, age 9

Although the colugo, a creature that resembles a flying chipmunk, cannot fly, it has the remarkable ability to glide through the air. The colugo has a patagium, which is the stretchy skin that connects its limbs, allowing it to glide between trees.

When fully extended, their patagium can span up to 28 inches, helping them glide distances of up to 328 feet. The colugo can fold up its patagium to avoid getting caught in twigs or other sharp objects and uses its tail to steer while gliding. [Read More]

How Will the Universe End?

by Abigail Gezae, age 10

Nobody knows the fate of the universe, but there are many possibilities. For example, dark energy might become so strong that it overpowers all forces including gravity. If this happens, the expansion of the universe will grow faster and faster as it is pushed apart without any limit. This theory is called the “Big Rip.”

The “Big Rip” results in galaxies, stars, planets, and all life being torn apart, but it’s also possible that the universe just keeps expanding. If dark energy stays indefinitely the same force as it is today, space will keep growing and may never come to an end. Additionally, another possible end for our universe lies trillions of years in the future.

Eventually, after the universe expands too much, no heat will be able to be spread and the temperature could drop to its lowest possible point. This will be known as the “Big Chill,” meaning no life could survive. [Read More]

Gila Monsters: The Venomous Predators of the Desert

by Ermiyas Abiy, age 9

Gila monsters are one of seven venomous lizards that exist in the world. They are some of the rarest creatures but are also endangered.

Gila monsters have many interesting features. One of its most notable features is its poisonous bite and venom. Gila monsters have bacteria in their mouths which can cause infections to its prey upon attack. Along with the bacteria, their venom is fatal to most small animals like reptiles, rabbits and rodents. Gila monsters have unique color patterns consisting of black, brownish-yellow and red. These color patterns help them camouflage from predators. Additionally, their bony and bead-like scales act as effective protection and armor.

While the Gila monster has many strong protective features, one of their weaknesses is in their vision. Their eyes are small and inefficient, thus they rely on other senses for practically everything. [Read More]

Arabian Camels: Man's Best Friend?

by Joseph Zheng, age 9

Owning a camel can be a sign of wealth in other countries. Dromedaries, better known as Arabian camels, are unique mammals with distinct characteristics.

Dromedaries are heavy animals weighing up to 1,600 pounds and grow to seven feet tall. A main characteristic you may notice on dromedaries is the big humps on their backs. Their humps are unique because they store 80 pounds of fat which can be used for hydration in the future. The Arabian camel is also able to consume 30 gallons of water in 13 minutes! Because of their strong features, they are able to carry heavy loads for 25 miles a day.

Arabian camels can be found in various places around the world. Many live in Northern Africa, Southwestern Asia and Australia. These locations can reach very high temperatures, but the camel's body is trained to survive temperatures reaching 120 degrees Fahrenheit. [Read More]

Nature’s “Vacuum Cleaner:” The Matamata

by Aarosh Subedi, age 10

The matamata lives in South America and is part of the turtle family. The matamata lives in the northern part of South America, in Brazil, Venezuela, but can sometimes be found in northern Bolivia, Ecuador, eastern Peru, Colombia, the Guianas, and Trinidad. They are about 18 inches in length and weigh around five to six pounds. Other than eating fish, they eat small birds and small mammals. This particular species lives up to 30 years.

Scientists compare this species to a vacuum cleaner, because it swallows its food rather than chews it. Camouflage is a common hunting tactic for the matamata. When in hunting position, it looks like an unassuming mossy rock in the water. They have fleshy appendages close to their mouths that look like weeds hanging and can act as a lure for fish. The nose on the matamata acts as a snorkel, allowing them to breathe air while they wait for food to approach so they can swallow it whole.

The word matamata is a phrase in a Native language that means “I kill” and its scientific name is Chelus fimbriatus which means fringed turtle. A matamata’s neck is almost the size of its back. In comparison, if the same were true for humans, our necks would be about three feet long. The matamata is one of the turtle species that breathes air, unlike other turtle species who get oxygen from water. [Read More]

Learn About the Vampire Squid

by Abigail Gezae, age 10

Vampire squids don’t actually share many resemblances to Dracula, and they aren’t after your blood. Instead, they are creatures that live deep in the ocean, around 2,000 to 3,000 ft.

Since the vampire squids live so deep in the water, scientists have to use drones to study them. They have very large eyes which are located on the side of their head, and are usually red or blue, depending on the light they reflect. Although they have the characteristics of other squids, they have 8 legs like an octopus and other cephalopods. One notable difference: vampire squids can not change color or use ink to protect themselves, which means they have to use different methods to stay safe. [Read More]

Leopards Are Large and Powerful "Supercats"

by Ian Kosharek , age 10

Leopards are a type of cat that live mainly in Africa, but they can also be found in China, Malaysia, and even Korea. There are more leopards in the wild than any other wild cat—that is why they are called supercats!

Leopards prefer to hunt at night, sitting in tree branches and waiting for their prey to come close. They are patient and let their prey get near in order to successfully attack. Leopards are pretty strong and can even lift prey as big as themselves.

Leopards enjoy eating animals of all sizes, from dung beetles, frogs, and birds, to monkeys and antelopes. Hyenas compete for similar foods, but leopards are selfish and do not like to lose their food to competitors. In order to keep their food safe they hide it in trees, which is known as caching. Some leopards are known as panthers. This name is only given to leopards that are born with black fur instead of their normal brown fur. Although leopards are the most common wild cat, they are quick and quiet so you may never know if one is following you! [Read More]

Is That a Leaf or a Gecko?

by Aloniab Gezae, age 8

The leaf-tailed gecko is a fascinating reptile. It can only be found in the rainforests of Madagascar and can grow up to eight inches long. Since leaf-tailed geckos are extremely rare, their lifespan is still unknown to scientists.

The gecko’s body is small and flat which makes it easier for it to fit in tight spaces for protection. It also has a long and sticky tongue that helps it catch prey, such as insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. Since they do not have eyelids, these creatures also use their long tongue to help clean their eyes.

Each toe of the leaf tailed gecko has millions of tiny bristles that help it get a good grip on both big and small surfaces. Similarly, its strong and flat tail also has bristles, which these geckos often use as an extra foot to help with balance. [Read More]

The Arduous Life of Monarch Butterflies

by Sol-Saray, age 10

Did you know that it takes three generations of monarch butterflies to get from Wisconsin to Mexico in a year? It's incredible how long these little butterflies can fly!

The adult monarchs do not care for their babies after they give birth. They give birth on the milkweed plant and the newborn caterpillars survive on their own. After the parents die, the newborn butterflies continue their journey to Mexico. The lifespan of these monarchs is from two to six weeks.

The monarch butterflies stay in Wisconsin for spring and summer. Afterwards, they start their journey to Mexico for the winter to find warmth. They are in Mexico from November to March just in time for Dia de los Muertos. [Read More]

How Bees Make Plants Grow

by Maya Maclin, age 10

Pollinators are very important on our Earth. You would be surprised at how much bees and pollinators help. Did you know that we need pollinators so much that flowers depend 80 percent on pollination?

Wonder where flowers come from? While water and nutrients from soil help them grow, pollinators also help too! You might not notice these small insects, but they come by and play an important role in pollination. If there were no pollinators, the human race would not be alive and the Earth would not have as many beautiful flowers as you see today.

Pollinators don’t just pollinate flowers! They also pollinate plants and vegetables. These plants include blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and more. Do you enjoy tea with honey? Well, pollinators such as bees are responsible for honey production! [Read More]

The Secret Life of Pollinators

by Dilma Attidekou, age 8

A plant has a lot of needs in order for it to be healthy. These needs include water, sun, and soil. Insects like the yucca moths, bumblebees, and honeybees take the pollen and nectar from plants.

In order for insects to get nectar and pollen, they need to feed on the nectar inside a plant. The pollination, yucca plants, and pollen grains are some seeds from different plants that insects take. Female yucca moth impersonators take the yucca pollen from the yucca plant and bring it to their home. However, not all moths do this.

The inside of a flower can be pretty fascinating as it has a stigma, anthers, nectar, and pollen. That's how insects are able to feed on the nectar and pollen. When a bumblebee gets nectar, the flower closes and the bee has to push open the flower. Afterwards, the bee is able to get the nectar as the pollen comes up. [Read More]

Learn More About Wisconsin's Prettiest Pollinators

by Max Moreno Lopez, age 9

Did you know butterflies have an important role in pollinating flowers? They especially like flowers that have a strong scent, contain certain colors such as red and yellow, or plants with plenty of nectar.

While butterflies can be easily seen in the air, they didn’t always start out this way. Butterflies begin as caterpillars. Over time, these insects undergo metamorphosis, a process in which they create a cocoon to transform into butterflies. Once they come out the cocoons, it takes time to learn and get used to flying.

An important type of butterfly is the Monarch Butterfly, also known as the Painted Lady. It gets its name from its black and orange colors. Monarch butterflies weigh the same as a paper clip and can grow up to four inches. They also have a lifespan for 15 to 29 days. In the winter, Monarch butterflies migrate 1,700 miles to Mexico to avoid the chilling temperatures of Wisconsin before returning during warming seasons. Monarch Butterflies lay their eggs in May or June on a poisonous plant known as milkweed. When their larvae hatch, this plant serves as a food source and in the process, the butterflies can become poisonous as they continue feeding. [Read More]