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Wisconsin History Series

The Civilian Conservation Corps Transformed Wisconsin’s Landscape

by Daniel Li, age 17

1933 during the Great Depression, President Roosevelt launched the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) as part of his transformative New Deal program. This initiative provided much-needed jobs for young men while addressing critical needs across the United States. Over its nine-year lifespan, the CCC impacted both the natural landscape and the lives of millions of Americans, including those at Camp 657 in Wisconsin.

The CCC’s primary mission was to employ men to engage in conservation projects, reforestation, and construction of parks and public infrastructure. Camps were structured in a military format, with officers overseeing daily life. While this environment was consistent across the nation, regional characteristics shaped each camp’s culture, such as segregated camps in the South. By 1942, when the CCC was disbanded, over three million men had participated, and more than 4,000 camps had been established nationwide. The CCC’s legacy in Wisconsin includes Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Devil’s Lake State Park, and Wyalusing State Park.

Camp 657, initially established in Fort Sheridan, Illinois, relocated to northern Wisconsin in 1933, eventually settling near Otter Lake in Elcho. Over its first four years, Camp 657 enrollees completed multiple tasks: constructing 83 miles of truck trails, 12 miles of fire breaks, 23 vehicular bridges, 235 miles of telephone lines, and multiple fire lookout towers and cabins. They also planted 1,379 acres of trees, stocked streams and ponds with fish, and improved forestlands and wildlife conditions. [Read More]

The Infamous Milwaukee Bridge Wars

by Theodore Morrison, age 17

Can you remember the last time you drove across a bridge? You probably cannot. Today, there are many bridges, so you tend to forget most of them. But in Wisconsin history, there was a time when bridges often caused significant conflict. In one famous case, battles were fought over bridges.

Milwaukee is Wisconsin's largest city. And in 1845, the stage was set for the so-called Milwaukee Bridge War. That’s when the cities of Kilbourntown and Walker’s Point were created alongside the pre-existing town of Juneautown, which was founded in 1834. The three towns, all located on the Milwaukee River, were vying for economic dominance in the region.

Conflict was sparked when the two competing settlements of Juneautown and Kilbourntown incorporated in what is now modern-day Milwaukee. Both towns were engaged in an economic stand-off started by the founder of Kilbourntown. As he attempted to advertise Juneautown as a less developed town despite the city holding several significant institutions. [Read More]

The History Behind Wisconsin’s First People and Statehood

by Siwoo Park, age 12

Wisconsin, the state known for cheese-making and cranberries, has a much more complex history than agriculture. From tribal civilization to its current residents, Wisconsin has experienced many developments.

Before European settlers discovered Wisconsin, Paleo-Indians, the ancestors of modern tribes, inhabited the area around 12,000 years ago. Their existence is confirmed by effigy mounds, which are burial mounds shaped like animals or figures often representing the decedent’s connection to the creature. About 20 mounds survive in Madison today.

During the 1600s, Europeans who reached the region known as Wisconsin met various Native Americans. They encountered the Fox, Ho-Chunk, Sauk, Illinois, Miami, Mascouten, Ojibwa, Menominee, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Huron, Ottawa, and Santee Sioux. Throughout history, these tribes would be reduced to the Ojibwas, Menominee, Ho-Chunk, and Santee Sioux as wars and political reasons drove them away. During the 1820s, four other Native American tribes traveled to Wisconsin. They were the Stockbridge and Munsee bands of Mohicans, the Brotherton, and the Oneida. [Read More]

UW Researchers Find North America's Oldest Dinosaur

By Camila Cruz, age 17

Earlier this month, the University of Wisconsin Geology Museum announced the finding of a brand new species of dinosaur – one that lived 10 million years earlier than when researchers thought the oldest dinosaurs roamed in North America.

The team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, co-led by Dr. David Lovelace and graduate student Aaron Kufner, discovered an ankle bone in a Wyoming excavation back in 2013. The bone belonged to a dinosaur the team later named Ahvaytum bahndooiveche. Their findings over the past 12 years were published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society on Jan. 8, 2025.

When dinosaurs emerged has always been a subject of scientific debate. The announcement of this new dinosaur species makes scientists question their understanding of prehistoric life. [Read More]

Who Built the Effigy Mounds in Dane County?

by Ayelen Flores, age 14

Humans have inhabited the Madison area for approximately 12,000 years, with Native American tribes once calling the region home. The Native Americans left behind traces of daily activities in the form of earthen mounds, as well as artifacts from campsites, villages, and cemeteries.

In particular, Woodland groups lived in small villages, where their homes were oval-shaped and partially underground. The size of the house did not matter since most of the tribe's activities were held outdoors.

Earthen mounds, which were popular during that time, were created in a two-thousand-year period. The purpose of these mounds was for the burial of the dead and other ceremonies. Between 650 A.D. and 1200 A.D., also known as the Late Woodland stage, mound building reached Wisconsin. The best-known prehistoric mounds in the country are the effigy mounds, which are located all over Wisconsin. The mounds were built during late prehistoric times. [Read More]

Forest Hill Cemetery Is a Place of Rich History and Remembrance

by Ian Kosharek, age 12

Forest Hill Cemetery is astonishing with its decades of history. It is located in Madison, Wisconsin's west side on Speedway Road, near West High School. This cemetery was founded in January 1857 when the city of Madison purchased the land from John and Maia Wright for $10,000 in bonds.

Many esteemed people are buried at Forest Hill Cemetery. There are several notable scientists, including Harry Steenbock, who discovered Vitamin D, John Bardeen, who won Nobel Prizes for discovering superconductivity and inventing the transistor, and Edward Birge who invented the study of limnology, which UW-Madison is known for. There are also many politicians laid to rest here, including former U.S. Senator Bob LaFollette and his family, William Freeman Vilas who was Secretary of the Interior, and Levi Baker Vilas, the fourth mayor of Madison. There are also many soldiers from both sides of the Civil War buried at Forest Hill Cemetery.

Before it was a public cemetery, Native Americans used the land as high burial grounds. They also built mounds on this land in the late woodland period [650 to 1200 A.D] one being in the shape of a goose located in section 15 on the southeast side of the cemetery. The head of this mound was destroyed when the Illinois Central Railroad was built in the 1880s. Surprisingly, the rest of this mound still stands! [Read More]

How Protests Led to the Bombing of UW's Sterling Hall

by Siheon Park, age 11

During the 1960s, many University of Wisconsin-Madison students were protesting the Vietnam War. Police broke up a student protest by using mace and clubs. The protest was about the Dow Chemical Company that produced a deadly chemical called Napalm for the U.S. military, but later on, it would lead to one of the most mysterious cases of domestic terrorism in Wisconsin history.

On Aug, 24, 1970, a group of men bombed Sterling Hall of UW-Madison, which was home to the Army Math Research Center, killing physicist Robert Fassnacht, and injuring four other researchers. The bombers were Karl and Dwight Armstrong, Leo Burt, and David Fine. The called themselves “The New Years Gang”.

The bombing of Sterling Hall wasn’t their only attack. Earlier in the year on January 1st, 1970, Karl and Dwight Armstrong attempted to bomb the Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Baraboo, but the bomb failed to go off. Later on, they were involved in bombing the ROTC offices and US draft board in the spring. [Read More]

The History of Wisconsin's State Capitol Buildings

by Atisse Robbins, age 13

Did you know Wisconsin's first capitol was not built in Madison? The first capitol building, called the territorial capitol, was built by James Atchison in the town of Old Belmont. The capitol was built around 1836, using wooden pieces made in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Today, the territorial capitol remains in Lafayette County as one of Wisconsin's historical sites.

The first state capitol was built under the supervision of James D. Doty and John O'Neill. Construction started in 1937, but it was not finished until 1848. It was expected to cost $40,000, but after it was completed, the expenses were $60,000.

Due to the growing state, the legislature of 1857 planed for the expansion of the capitol. Soon, the construction of a second state capitol began. The legislature established the second state capitol as they believed that the first state capitol was no longer adequate for the growing state. [Read More]

The Life and Career of Harry Whitehorse

by Kaleab Afeworki, age 12

Harry Whitehorse was a famous artist born in Black River Falls, Wisconsin in 1927. He was born in a wigwam which is the Ho-Chunk’s traditional housing.

When Harry was young, he was a student at Tomah Indian Boarding School where teachers discovered his talent in oil painting and drawing. His skills and appreciation for art blossomed as he progressed in life.

When he served in the military for WWII, his love for art grew especially after visiting the great museums of the Orient and Europe. Artwork in these locations inspired Whitehorse to pursue a career as an artist. After the war, Whitehorse graduated from the Arthur Colt School of Fine Arts at UW-Madison where he studied oil painting. He also studied welding and metal fabrication from a local technical college. [Read More]

Manitowoc's Submarines: Wisconsin's Key Contribution to Victory in WWII

by Max Moreno, age 11

A shipbuilding company in Wisconsin helped the U.S. defeat Japan in World War II. Charles C. West, the President of Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., initially wanted to build destroyer ships under a Navy contract.

However, during the Great Depression, the Navy made their contracts unavailable due to the lack of funds. With the start of WWII, contracts became available again. West presented his idea of building destroyers to the Navy but was redirected by a Navy representative to build submarines instead. Despite their initial inexperience, West's 500 employees adapted to the challenge of building submarines. The shallow Manitowoc River made launching submarines difficult, but the company innovated a side-launch technique to fit the submarines in the narrow river.

On Sept. 9, 1940, Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co. received a contract from the Navy to build ten submarines, which was later expanded to 28 due to their efficiency. When it was time for their first submarine launch on April 30, 1942, they successfully used the side-launch technique. Over time, Manitowoc workers mastered new construction techniques, and the company became renowned for their craftsmanship. At the peak of production, the workforce grew to over 7,000 people. By the end of the war, 28 submarines were built, although the initial contract was for ten. These submarines were transported via the Mississippi River to the ocean. [Read More]

Remembering Lou Conter: The Last Survivor of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor

by Max Moreno, age 11

The devastating events of Pearl Harbor took the lives of many. After the tragic event, survivors of the attack recounted their experiences. Unfortunately, the last living survivor of the attack passed away in early April 2024, at the age of 102.

Lou Conter was born in Ojibwe, Wisconsin, on Sept. 13, 1921, and was a quartermaster in the Navy. He was standing on the main deck of the USS Arizona battleship when Japanese planes flew over and bombed the ship. The explosion lifted the ship 30 feet out of the water as one million pounds of gunpowder stored below the ship were set off. Everything was on fire. “Guys were running out of the fire trying to jump over the sides and oil all over the sea was burning,’’ Conter said. In his autobiography “The Lou Conter Story”, Counter describes how he joined other survivors in battle and aided those that were injured. The sailors only abandoned ships if the senior surviving officer was certain that everyone alive was rescued. The USS Arizona wreckage still lies where it sank with remains of more than 900 sailors and Marines inside.

After Pearl Harbor, Corner went to flight school where he flew patrol bombers looking for submarines and enemy targets. He flew 200 combat missions in the Pacific. In the 1950s he was made the Navy’s first SERE officer, which stands for survival, evasion, resistance and escape. He spent the next ten years training Navy pilots and crew to survive if they were ever captured as prisoners of war. After 28 years in the Navy, Conter retired. In 2019, when he was 98 years old, he said he liked going to ceremonies that honor the people who died in the attack. “It's always good to come back and pay respect to them and give them the top honors that they deserve,’’ he said. [Read More]

Wisconsin State Fair Celebrates a Fun and Agricultural History

by Atisse Robbins, age 13

The Wisconsin State Fair is an amusement park that dates back to 1851. It was first held in Janesville, Wisconsin, along the Rock River.

The State Agricultural Society sponsored the state fair to showcase the state's advances in agricultural machinery and products. The main focus of the first state fair was agriculture, and it would continue for a decade with games like arc plowing and rides. At that time, the cost of admission was only a dime. Additionally, at that time, the fair was the largest reported gathering in Wisconsin, with as many as 18,000 people in attendance.

To attract more people, additional entertainment was installed at the fair, including farm machinery, produce displays, competitions, and shows. Over time, the state fair started to become more famous. One year, during the first Holstein cattle judging, Milwaukee's mayor closed all stores and schools so people could visit the state fair. Another big attraction to the state fair was their cream puff. This cream puff was not any ordinary dessert – this one was 7.5 inches tall, 38 inches wide, and 120 pounds. [Read More]

Wisconsin's Long History of Schools for the Blind and Deaf

by Dayanara Flores Gonzalez, age 16

Most students know how to read and write, but these tasks are difficult or even impossible for students who can’t see or hear. Parents in Wisconsin have sent their visually impaired children to special schools to be educated since the 1800s.

Before Wisconsin was a state, citizens had already noticed that educational facilities for visually and hearing impaired children needed to be provided. In 1843, Increase A. Lapham petitioned Congress to give funds to build schools for visually and hearing-impaired children, but nothing was done to make a change. The institution first began in Janesville when private citizens decided to create the first state school for impaired students. J.T. Axtell, a graduate of the Ohio Institution for the Blind, arranged a village meeting explaining several methods to teach children with defective vision.

Thirty residents gave $430 to start a school and purchase construction equipment. In October 1849, eight visually impaired students attended the first school for the impaired in the state, held in a private home. They asked the Legislature to help fund their school, and landmakers approved. The school tax-supported a budget of $2,500 to keep the school running in its building. [Read More]

Wisconsin's Dairy History from Wheat Fields to Cheese

by Allison Wallace, age 11

When people think about Wisconsin, most individuals think of the dairy industry, however, that was not always the case.

The cattle industry landed in the U.S. in 1707. Some cows were brought to Wisconsin by the British-American fur trade. Unlike now, these were only beef animals. In 1838 dairy cows were introduced to the state. In the 1850’s and early 1860’s, the wheat industry was much bigger than its dairy counterpart. Not many people were selling dairy to a mass market. Dairy farmers mostly traded with local stores and neighbors and used milk, butter, and cheese in their households.

This changed in the late 1860s when wheat prices fell because wheat producers struggled due to overused land, crop diseases, chinchbug infestation, and lowering prices. This allowed the dairy industry to take off. [Read More]

A Rare Piece of Wisconsin History: Most Expensive Bike Ever Sold at Auction

by Jules Da Costa, age 15

The most expensive bike ever sold at an auction was a 1908 Strap Tank Harley-Davidson, which happens to be a rare piece of Wisconsin history.

Manufactured in Wisconsin, the 1908 Harley-Davidson was sold at an auction for $935,000, after the auction fees. The motorcycle was sold at the end of January at the Mecum Auction in Las Vegas. The 1908 that sold is suspected to be one of 12 to ever be made. A 1907 Strap Tank was sold for $715,000 in 2015, making it the fifth most expensive bike sold at an auction.

The 1908 Strap Tank is one of the most unique models in Harley-Davidson history and is considered the earliest model most people can find. This model is most known for its features and original parts. It was given the name “Strap Tank” because of how its fuel tank is connected by nickel straps. As a result of these one of a kind features, these motorcycles can be very difficult to find and are rarely sold at auctions. [Read More]

Olympic Medalist, Ralph Metcalfe, Left his Mark on Wisconsin and the World

by Owen Ayite-Atayi, age 15

The Summer Olympics, also known as the Games of the Olympiad, are a series of multi-sport events that are usually held every four years. The Olympics include track and field, archery, gymnastics, and swimming , among other events.

The late Olympic African-American athlete Ralph Metcalfe left his mark on Wisconsin, nearly winning a gold medal in the 1932 Olympics. Metcalfe was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 29, 1910, and moved to Chicago, Illinois, with his family at a young age. He attended Tilden High School in Chicago, where his interest in track and field erupted. He later pursued a collegiate track and field career at Marquette University as a sprinter.

During Metcalfe’s career at Marquette University, he was America’s leading sprinter from 1932 to 1934. In his sophomore year, he ran a 10.3 in the 100-meter dash and a 20.6 in the 200-meter dash, tying world-record times in both events. In 1932, Metcalfe won three of the first National College Athletic Association (NCAA) championships. [Read More]

Milwaukeean becomes first Black woman mathematician to have her papers in Library of Congress manuscript collection

by Hanna Eyobed, age 17

Gloria Ford Gilmer was an expert at ethnomathematics: how math manifests itself into the lives of cultures all around the world. She was a Black woman who dedicated her life to math: both the learning and teaching of it.

Gilmer received many of her accolades after her passing in August 2021. A historian of science and technology at the Library of Congress’ Manuscript Division, Josh Levy, reached out to Gilmer's family to uncover work that had been stored away. Gilmer left a legacy of success and transcending the odds; her files, documents, photographs, and VHS tapes were held in 64 bankers boxes and are now maintained in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, an honor that has not been held by a Black woman before her. Her work is now able to be examined and used for further research for other historians to explore for educational purposes.

Gilmer paved the way for Black intellectuals to follow. With her concentration in ethnomathematics, Gilmer taught all over Milwaukee, including the Milwaukee Area Technical College, the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, and various Milwaukee public schools. She was the first Black educator in many of the spaces she entered. There were many firsts in Gilmer's career, such as first Black person to earn a doctorate from Marquette University, first Black woman to sit on the Board of Governors for the Mathematical Association of America, and first Black woman to have her papers kept in the Library of Congress’ Manuscript Division. [Read More]

The Unique History of Lake Ivanhoe, Wisconsin

by Josepha Da Costa, age 18

This past summer, Lake Ivanhoe was one of 40 new historical markers to be designated in Wisconsin. It became only the 8th marker, out of 600, in the state to feature Black History. Peter Baker, a current resident who grew up in Lake Ivanhoe, “the safest place and the coolest place” he’d ever been in his life, played an important part in the process of celebrating this history. His tireless efforts for over 20 years finally made this commemoration possible.

Lake Ivanhoe was founded in 1926, in the town of Bloomfield, by three Black men from Chicago: politician Bradford Watson, business executive Frank Anglin, and attorney Jeremiah Brumfield. These men were looking for a summer vacation place to visit with their families to get away from the racial unrest in Chicago at the time, which was a result of the Great Migration. As Black people started frequently moving to the northern cities, specifically Chicago, segregation became increasingly prominent. Since Black people were not welcome in predominantly white resorts in neighboring places like Lake Geneva, they decided to create their own. This was where the first entirely Black owned community in Wisconsin was born.

The town’s streets were named after famous historical people like Crispus Attucks and Phyllis Wheatley. A large gazebo was built in the middle of town where the neighborhood families were able to hold cookouts, gatherings and concerts. For most of the 1920s, Lake Ivanhoe was a safe haven for Black families to reside and enjoy. However, after the stock market crash in the 1930s, the once lively resort quickly became abandoned. [Read More]

Local Observatory Renamed For STEM Pioneer Jocelyn Bell Burnell

by Mariah Justice, age 17

“Astronomy compels the soul to look upward, and leads us from this world to another,” said Greek philosopher Plato. With the renaming event on September 7 for the Bell Burnell Observatory— previously the Oscar Mayer Observatory—Madison has a new facility for cultivating the exploration of astronomy.

The history of the Bell Burnell Observatory dates back to 1880, when the director of the Washburn Observatory, located on University of Wisconsin-Madison's (UW) campus, felt there was too much student traffic for the University to only have one observatory. This notion spurred him to personally fund the construction of the student observatory, which was then called the Student Observatory. However, as Madison grew, light pollution obstructed both the Student and Washburn observatories, rendering the facilities obsolete.

In 1959, the UW offered to gift the Student Observatory to the Madison Astronomical Society (MAS) on the condition that MAS was able to finance a move to a different site. A year later, the observatory was officially relocated to its current location on the Promega Campus, and renamed the Oscar Mayer Observatory after the astronomer who funded its move. The observatory was in use for over two decades until light pollution resulting from Madison’s growth once again caused it to be inactive. [Read More]

1,200 Year Old Canoe Discovered in Lake Mendota

by Desteny Alvarez, age 17

Last summer, Tamara Thomsen, a maritime archaeologist for the Wisconsin Historical Society, and Mallory Dragt discovered a 15-foot-long dugout canoe in Wisconsin’s Lake Mendota. What sets it apart from other sunken boats is its age – the canoe was estimated to be 1,200 years old.

Thomsen and Dragt work together at Divisions Scuba, and they discovered the boat in 27 feet of water near Shorewood Hills while testing some scuba equipment. The canoe was brought to shore by a team of divers near the Spring Harbor Neighborhood. For the next two years, the canoe is set to undergo a series of preservation treatments so it can safely be put on display at the Wisconsin Historical Society’s renovated museum on the Capitol Square.

One of the several treatments will take place at the State Archive Preservation Facility, on the East side of Madison. The canoe will be positioned in a 16-foot-long, 3-foot-wide tank. Inside this tank, aside from water meant to keep the environment of the boat stable, there will be a biocide to ensure there are no microorganisms or algae growing on the wood. Then, a treatment of polyethylene glycol will take the place of water that the wood had soaked up. [Read More]

Frank Lloyd Wright Made Wisconsin a Place of Beautiful Architecture

by Ayelen Flores, age 14

Frank Lloyd Wright remains one of the most beloved architects of all time. Throughout his life, he created many remarkable architectural works, most of which are located in Wisconsin.

Wright was born on June 8, 1867, in Richland Center, Wisconsin, to parents William Carey Wright, a musician, and his wife, Anna Lloyd Jones, a teacher. He and his family traveled a lot until 1878, when they settled in Madison, Wisconsin. His parents divorced in 1885. Wright‘s childhood was difficult due to financial problems, but he always tried to help. At 18, Wright worked for Allan Conover, a civil engineering professor at UW-Madison. While working and studying there, he developed a passion for architecture. He even claimed to have designed UW-Madison’s iconic Science Hall, however, this claim has been debunked. After graduating, Wright worked as a draftsman under the renowned architect Louis Sullivan in Chicago.

One of Wright’s early works while under Sullivan was creating his own house, where he lived with his wife, Cathrine Lee Tobin, and had six children. The house was located in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park. Wright incorporated many geometric shapes and played with empty spaces in the house, which showed his genuine passion for design. Even today, it is unclear whether Wright quit or was fired, but leaving the firm in 1893 gave him freedom and independence. [Read More]

The AAGPBL Changed the Game for Women in Baseball

by Max Moreno, age 12

In 1943, the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL) began in Wisconsin, with over 500 women participating. World War II influenced the AAGPBL. At the time, baseball was America's pastime and people were worried that the sport would come to a halt due to men being drafted to fight in the war.

Women were already playing a similar sport: softball. This sport was created in 1887 for indoor play and had the same rules as baseball, just with a smaller field, a bigger ball, and an underhand pitch. During the war, many people turned to softball as their main form of entertainment. Many thought of softball as a “women's sport” and baseball as a “men’s sport” but the AAGPBL proved otherwise.

The AAGPBL consisted of six teams, with three of them being established in Wisconsin: the Milwaukee Chicks, the Kenosha Comets, and the Racine Belles. The AAGPBL Chicks played for Milwaukee, but fans referred to the team as the “Brewerettes” after the city’s Minor League Baseball team, the Brewers. Player salaries were $40 to $80 per week compared to the average salary of $45 per week. Players were also required to wear skirts with shorts underneath in an attempt to portray a feminine image. Skirts didn't prevent players from sliding into bases, and many players would get badly scraped knees, or “strawberries” as these injuries were commonly known. [Read More]

Polka Dancing Holds a Special Place in Wisconsin’s Dance History

by Ayelen Flores, age 14

An exciting dance called polka was named the Wisconsin State Dance 30 years ago. This genre originated in Europe nearly 90 years ago and still has significance today.

The dance originated in European countries as a variation of the waltz. Polka involved more physical contact between partners and couples whirling in each other's arms. Polka has a rapid tempo with a lot of footwork and hopping. Young middle-class people were mostly the ones who danced the polka. During the 1840s, when Europe entered its revolutionary period, Polka was used as an act of rebellion against the aristocracy – a small privileged class of people who held power. Polka soon spread across Europe and the Atlantic.

Polka arrived in Wisconsin in the 1840s, before it became a state. Central European immigrants brought the dance to Wisconsin and kept it alive. The squeezebox and the button accordion were handmade instruments many immigrants carried with them to create the rhythm. [Read More]

Shipwreck Hunters Reveal Secrets of Lake Michigan

by Jules Da Costa, age 16

Shipwreck hunters and maritime historians are fascinated by the history of shipping on the Great Lakes and their many shipwrecks. The Great Lakes of North America are some of the largest and deepest lakes on Earth. Thirteen shipwreck locations were identified in Lake Michigan alone last year, which makes 2023 a record year for these types of discoveries. The previous record was four shipwrecks discovered in 2016.

Lake Michigan is the second largest of the Great Lakes, and last year some of its most historic mysteries were uncovered. The amount of shipwrecks found in Lake Michigan in 2023 was quite unusual. In contrast, no shipwrecks were found in Lake Superior last year. One or two discoveries per year are typical. These lost ships were discovered by shipwreck hunters, divers, and even a little girl fishing with her dad. She pointed out a strange item at the bottom of the lake and it turned out to be the remains of the George L. Newman sailing vessel, which sank in 1871.

The reason for this record high of discoveries is speculated to be because of the dramatic water level changes in Lake Michigan. According to Adam Belche, a coastal engineer at Wisconsin Sea Grant, these changes in water levels move sand around, and the dramatic switch between the record low water levels in 2013 and the record highs in 2020 caused the sand bars to shift dramatically, revealing multiple lost shipwrecks. [Read More]

Book Review: Voices & Votes: How Government Works in Wisconsin

by Sandy Flores, age 18

The Wisconsin Historical Society recently published the latest edition of Voices & Votes: How Government Works in Wisconsin. This book is aimed at younger readers in grades 3-5, introducing children to the fundamental concepts of voting, democratic society, and the importance of civic engagement – even for those who are not yet eligible to vote.

The book has seven chapters, each offering a lesson about Wisconsin’s government and the broader national political system. Topics include the different levels of government, the history of voting in Wisconsin, and the relationships between state, tribal, and federal governments.

Each chapter ends with a section called “Getting Involved,” which highlights local individuals and organizations working to engage students in civic life. These accounts share inspiring stories of youth who are actively involved in their communities and are making their voices heard. The stories serve as a potent reminder that civic participation does not always require a vote, rather it revolves around advocating to create a long-lasting impact. The book fosters leadership among young readers with the message, “Maybe these stories will inspire you to get involved too.” [Read More]

Wisconsin's Beloved Fast Food Franchise Celebrates 40 Years

by Allison Torres, age 16

Culver’s, the Wisconsin fast food staple, is celebrating its 40th birthday in 2024. Over these past four decades, the restaurant has grown while staying true to its roots.

Craig Culver, who created Culver's, wanted to be independent from his dad, who worked in the farming industry. In 1961, he and his wife decided to buy the Sauk City A&W restaurant. Craig wanted to start a business but had no clue how. He then began to work at a fast food restaurant and soon after began brainstorming the business approach for the A&W building they had purchased. He and his wife painted the building blue and white and fixed the outside. They opened for business on July 18, 1984.

The first few years were difficult because they didn’t know how to run a business. Their first menu consisted of Craig’s fresh frozen custard, butter burgers, cheese curds, tender roast beef, and of course their famous fish fry on Fridays. [Read More]

Green Bay Packers' Icon Brett Favre Opens Up About Parkinson’s Diagnosis

by Owen Ayite-Atayi, age 17

Green Bay Packers NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre has been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. He shared this news in front of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee in September 2024.

Parkinson’s Disease is a degenerative brain condition that can trigger symptoms such as tremors, slowness of movement, muscle stiffness, and impaired coordination. People who have suffered a singular concussion during their lifetime have a 57% greater chance of developing Parkinson’s Disease. In 2018 Favre was asked how many concussions he has suffered and answered three to four, but he believes that he suffered more than 1,000 concussions in his 20th NFL season. Favre spoke about his diagnosis saying, “I'm sure you’ll understand why it's too late for me because I’ve recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s.”

Brett Favre was born on October 10, 1969, in Gulfport, Mississippi. He grew up loving to fish and hunt with his two other brothers Jeff Favre and Scott Favre. Favre also has a sister named Brandi Favre. Favre attended Hancock North Central High School and showcased his talents throughout the years as the quarterback for the school. His father, Irvin Favre, was a down-to-earth football coach, who worked for the school. Favre drew little praise or notice from college coaches and scouts, but the University of Mississippi showed interest in him and offered Favre a full-ride scholarship. He set several school records at the University of Mississippi that paved the way for him to dominate his NFL career. [Read More]

Name of New U.S. Navy Vessel Honors the City of Beloit, Wisconsin

by Ayelen Flores, age 14

A recently completed ship will be the third U.S. naval vessel named after a Wisconsin city. The USS Beloit, a new freedom-class littoral combat ship, honors that city’s history of diesel engines built for the military.

Beloit is a city in southern Wisconsin with roughly 36,000 people, who are very hardworking and proud of their accomplishments. All of the engines built there have been made by the manufacturer Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD). FMD has around 250 workers on the east bank of the Rock River.

The engines built there are made by the manufacturer Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD). [Read More]

The 72 Counties that Make Up Wisconsin

by Estefania Garcia-Fox, age 13

Many Wisconsin counties were named after historical figures, such as John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States.

Wisconsin used to be British land; however, it was transferred to American control in 1783, and in 1848 became a part of the United States.

States are divided into counties. Each county has a county seat where the county government offices are located. There are 72 counties in Wisconsin. In this state, there are county officials that are elected by voters for a four-year term. County officials work to ensure that counties continue to prosper and remain safe for their communities. County officials include the sheriff, county executive, district attorney, register of deeds, and treasurer. [Read More]

How the Bennett Law Sparked Debate in Wisconsin’s Schools

by John Agbo, age 13

The government designs laws with the right intentions, but sometimes those intentions can lead to bad policy. The Bennett Law is one such example.

In the mid-1800s, there was a large increase in German and Scandinavian immigrants from Europe to Wisconsin. They established schools in their native languages, so children could understand what they were learning in American schools, and maintain their cultural heritage. The state government was first introduced to this law by Michael J. Bennett, an assemblyman from Iowa County. His extensions were to establish public or private education for children across the state. However, the public's sentiment escalated and this became controversial. It stated that children must attend a public or private school, but that the students must be taught all subjects, including U.S. history, in English only. The bill was signed into law on April 17, 1889, by Governor Hoard.

Few people had problems with mandatory school attendance, but the language requirement started a torrent of criticism. While some, like Horace Rublee, editor of the Milwaukee Sentinel, believed that the law was an effective way to enforce the English language, others were unable to understand English and opposed the English language requirement provisions of the law. The Lutheran and Catholic German churches were also opposed to the law; they wanted their children to attend the school of their choice. Other ethnic groups, such as the Irish and Scandinavians shared similar sentiments and felt as if the law was a personal attack on their native language. Wisconsin Governor William Dempster Hoard was shocked, and insisted that children of immigrants must learn English to enable them to be “useful citizens.” During the 1890 election, the Republican Party came out in favor of the law. Democrats were opposed to it. The Christian and Lutheran churches aligned themselves with the Democrats. The Scandinavian, Irish, and German, alike, voted Democratic party or withheld their vote. In 1891, the Bennett Law was repealed. [Read More]

Vinnie Ream Hoxie: The Woman Who Sculpted Lincoln

by Allison Torres, age 15

The famous statue of Abraham Lincoln in Washington D.C. created by Vinnie Ream proved to society that women could create valuable art.

Ream was born in 1847 in Madison, Wisconsin, where she lived for ten years. Her family moved to Missouri, but later relocated to Washington D.C. during the Civil War. In 1863, Ream had a chance to visit Clark Mills’s studios and see multiple sculptures. Inspired by what she saw, she began sculpting. Ream recalled, “I felt at once that I, too, could model and, taking the clay, in a few hours I produced a medallion of an Indian chief’s head.”

She began sculpting busts of prominent men, including General George Armstrong Custer, Congressman Thaddeus Stevens, and New York editor Horace Greeley. Eventually, her friends helped arrange for her to sculpt a bust of President Lincoln. [Read More]

A Look at Devil’s Lake State Park’s Rich History and Trails

by Arsema Biruk, age 8

The largest state park in Sauk County, Wisconsin, spans 9,217 acres of rocky cliffs, water, and forests and is known as Devil’s Lake. The park is home to a beautiful 360-acre lake surrounded by dramatic bluffs, wooded trails, and scenic vistas.

Devil’s Lake State Park offers a variety of hiking trails totaling about 29 miles. Trails range from paved, handicapped-accessible paths to challenging routes for experienced hikers, as well as pet-friendly trails. There are three campgrounds in the park, with around 407 campsites available for overnight visitors.

Rock climbing is another popular activity at Devil’s Lake. The Stettner brothers, known as pioneers of climbing in the mid-20th century, helped establish challenging routes on the park’s famous cliffs. The local climbing scene has been influenced by groups of climbers who frequented the area in the 1970s and 1980s. With its smooth rock faces and towering boulders, Devil’s Lake remains a favorite destination for climbers, though it can be hazardous for the unprepared. [Read More]

Dragon Boat Racing Has Become a Wisconsin Tradition

by Chelsea Zheng, age 12

Dragon Boat festivals are held all over the world. Teams that participate can be medical organizations, pan-Asian groups, or just ordinary people who want to try the sport. These races are held because they bring communities together and keep long-held traditions alive. It’s also fun and accessible for all!

The dragon boat festival honors a respected figure named Qu Yuan. Due to the corrupt government in the kingdom of Chu, Qu Yuan was falsely accused of disloyalty by his political rivals, leading to his exile from the kingdom. As a final act of declaration against the government, he drowned himself in the Mi Lo River. The Chinese people deemed this as an honorary act, prompting fishermen to row swiftly in an attempt to retrieve the body. To ensure that the fish did not consume the body, they beat drums and threw rice dumplings to divert their attention. This practice became a long-standing tradition that persists to this day.

The dragon boat is a very technical design, specifically built to continue the tradition while maintaining speed during a race. This tradition was founded in Southern China. A dragon boat is typically eight to 18 meters long and can hold between ten to 20 people. It is made of teak wood and is embellished with painted dragon scales and a gong in the middle of the boat. Besides the rowers, there is also a steersperson and drummer. The steersperson uses the long steering oar to guide the boat while the drummer hits the drum to keep everyone in rhythm. [Read More]

Baseball History in Wisconsin: The Story of the Milwaukee Brewers

by Max Moreno, age 12

The Milwaukee Brewers were not always called the Brewers, and the story of the team's origin stretches back more than 100 years. The history of the Brewers name is a fascinating chapter in American sports history.

Baseball appeared in Milwaukee around the 1840s, and the first team was known as The Cream City Club. They obtained this name from the light-colored bricks used in many of Milwaukee's city structures. Milwaukee's first professional team, the Grays, started in 1878 in the National League. The name had been thrown around before but it wasn't until around the 1900s that the name Milwaukee Brewers was associated with Major League Baseball (MLB) with the name stemming from the rich brewing history of Milwaukee. In the year 1900, they were one of the eight charter members of the American League.

The Grays franchise moved to St. Louis, where they played as the Browns for 53 years before moving again to Baltimore to become the Orioles. After the Grays moved locations another team with the name the Milwaukee Brewers took their place. This team would prove to be more enduring. The club began to play in 1902 and was a Minor League team that found a home in Borchert Field along Chambers Street. The team attracted lots of young fans including the future owner of the Brewers and MLB Commissioner, Bud Selig. [Read More]

The Driftless Historium: A Journey Through Time in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin

by Dayanara Flores Gonzalez, age 16

There is a museum in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin that’s well worth a visit. The Driftless Historium and Mt. Horeb Historical Society are only a short drive from Madison, but inside the facility are objects and exhibits that teach history and spark the imagination.

It’s been a while since student reporters from Simpson Street have been to this fantastic museum. But we’ve seen the photos of prior visits and read the reviews from former students. So, we were excited to hit the road and visit Mt. Horeb and the Driftless Historium. Of course, we also wanted more photos of trolls. But that’s a different part of the story. [Read More]

How Monona’s Historic Lakefront Became San Damiano Park

By Sedona Afeworki, age 15

San Damiano is a lakefront park and historical site in Monona. A non-profit called The Friends of San Damiano, created in July of 2020, is working with the City of Monona to make the property a “one-of-a-kind Lake Monona destination.”

The San Damiano property has been passed down and exchanged several times since it was originally inhabited by indigenous communities. The Ho-Chunk Nation had been on the property since the ice ages, and in 1850, a Native American burial mound site was discovered near the San Damiano property.

Its next known occupant was Frank Allis, heir to the Allis-Chalmers farm machinery company. In 1893, Allis built a Dutch Colonial Revival house on the estate, which was 600 acres of farmland along Lake Monona. The still-standing 130-year-old house, which included a ballroom and seven fireplaces, was one of the first permanent residences along the lake outside of Madison. [Read More]

Learn the History Behind the Black Hawk War

By Max Moreno, age 12

The Black Hawk War started on April 6, 1832, and was the result of a series of misunderstandings and broken promises, leading to a tragic massacre of hundreds of Native American men, women, and children.

In 1804, future president William Henry Harrison and two representatives of the Sauk Nation signed a controversial treaty that sold all the Sauk land east of the Mississippi for $2,500, a deal widely seen as unfair even at the time. Many Sauk chiefs in Illinois and Wisconsin did not agree to the treaty, so they considered it invalid and continued to live in their village of Saukenuk near the Rock River in western Illinois.

About 25 years later, lead mining became common in the area, and thousands of settlers crowded out the Sauk. The Sauk leaders believed it was pointless to resist since the settlers were backed by the American military. The U.S. government ordered the Sauk to move west of the Mississippi, promising them enough corn to survive the winter. However, when the Sauk moved west, the U.S. failed to deliver the promised supplies. [Read More]

The Battle of Wisconsin Heights

by Ayelen Flores Ruiz, age 14

The Battle of Wisconsin Heights was the turning point of the Black Hawk War, an historic event that helped shape Wisconsin. It is also a very important battle because it was the last Indigenous battle to happen in the United States. A critical outcome of the battle was the decrease of the Native American population.

The “Black Hawk War'' refers to the conflict between the U.S. and Sauk American Indians. It was named after Black Hawk, the leader of the Sauk tribe, who led the Fox, Kickapoo and Ho-Chunk tribes in battle. The Battle of Wisconsin Heights began on July 21, 1832, when about 120 warriors and 700 non-combatants passed through what is now downtown Madison. The Sauk hiked over the landmarks now known as the Capitol Square, UW-Madison campus, and Lake Mendota. The Sauk starved throughout the duration of the journey, which led many to be caught or killed by soldiers. After reaching the south shore of the Wisconsin River, U.S. troops fired upon the Sauk who tried to cross the Wisconsin River while the sun was setting. The troops had been deployed in that same spot since morning.

When the Sauk were suppressed by the U.S. Army, they had no choice but to fight or sacrifice their loved ones. Black Hawk said, “We were compelled to fight, or sacrifice our wives and children to the fury of the whites.” About 120 Sauk defended the pass against three thousand Whites, while the non-combatants crossed the Wisconsin River in plain sight. As soon as they were safe, they dispersed and ran. [Read More]

Stewart Lake County Park is a Hidden Gem in Dane County's Driftless Area

by Samuel Garduño Martínez, age 17

Just west of Madison near the village of Mt. Horeb lies one of Dane County’s hidden gems—its first official park. Nestled in the Driftless Area, Stewart Lake County Park’s bluffs and valleys are a unique piece of Wisconsin. First and foremost, the topography is breathtakingly special. Unlike other regions in the Midwest, the Driftless Area escaped the flattening effects of thousand-year-old-glaciers.

This summer, students from Simpson Street Free Press embarked on several field trips to the Driftless Area. Our plans are to visit this still-preserved treasure and study its characteristics. On one recent trip, we learned that despite going through much change, Stewart Lake County Park is beloved by the people who use it and know it.

Stewart Lake County Park, formerly known as Lake Park, has been around since the early 20th century, but the site has beautifully carved over thousands of years. The park itself has undergone several drastic transformations since it was designated a park in 1912. [Read More]

Archeologists Make Historic Discoveries in Lake Mendota

by Dani Garduño, age 13

Lake Mendota is known for mysterious secrets and historic discoveries, and archaeologists now say that one of its oldest secrets may have just been revealed. Recently, researchers have identified nine more dugout canoes on the lake's bottom, including one estimated to be around 4,500 years old, making it the oldest known dugout canoe found in the Great Lakes region.

Archaeologists from the Wisconsin Historical Society discovered these nine additional canoes near Shorewood Hills with the help of radiocarbon dating and wood analysis. One canoe fragment, estimated to be 4,500 years old, dates back to around 2500 B.C., a time when hunters and gatherers lived in seasonal communities. This makes it the oldest dugout canoe found in the Great Lakes region.

While this ancient canoe is an important discovery, it is only one of many canoes that have been found in Lake Mendota. The canoes were categorized by archaeologists based on the types of wood used to construct them. The materials included elm, ash, cottonwood, white oak, and red oak—woods commonly used by the ancestors of the Ho-Chunk Nation and other Native peoples. The Wisconsin Historical Society continues to collaborate with the Ho-Chunk Nation to learn more about these historic watercraft and the people who built them. [Read More]

Madison Students Revive Wisconsin History with Modern-Made Birch Bark Canoe

by Camila Cruz, age 16

Students are using modern technology to build a Native American birch bark canoe; in doing so, they're keeping a part of Wisconsin history alive. In a new class offered through a partnership with the local office of the Ho-Chunk Nation, Madison junior high and high school students built a plywood reconstruction of the boats used by Wisconsin tribes for centuries.

Gene Delcourt, a woodshop instructor, directed the class. He learned the skill from a German YouTuber and a master Ojibwe canoe maker. Delcourt previously studied the art of canoe making when he traveled to Lac du Flambeau in 2021 and learned from expert builder Wayne Valliere of the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. Delcourt had also built three canoes at a Monona alternative school.

[Read More]

Discovering Aztalan, Wisconsin's Hidden Ancient Civilization

by Aria McClinton, age 13

Aztalan was an ancient civilization located in what is now southern Wisconsin. It was discovered in the 1820s by American settlers, who named the hidden civilization but did not explore its origins.

Then came Increase A. Lapham, a natural scientist from Wisconsin. He revisited Aztalan in 1850 after the settlers. Lapham couldn't tell what used to be there. He studied and made detailed drawings of the area. These maps helped future researchers see what Aztalan was like before much of it was turned into farmland.

In 1919, Samuel Barrett, the founder of the Milwaukee Public Museum, did detailed research under the surface of Aztalan. At first, he thought the hills and bumps were effigy mounds from the Native Americans. Later, Barrett discovered that the Crawfish River cut a ravine through some of the land. He was excited because this revealed more tools, bones, and other artifacts. Later in his studies, he could tell that it was a very advanced civilization from things like structures or pottery. [Read More]

A Fascinating Visit to Mazomanie's Historic Museum

by Siheon Park, age 11

On a recent warm sunny day, reporters from Simpson Street Free Press departed South Towne Mall in Madison and headed toward Mazomanie, Wisconsin. We were heading to western Dane County. We had heard and read about the history museum located in this small town and wanted to see it for ourselves.

We arrived around 10:30 in the morning. Even the outside of the building was interesting. It looked very old, like there was history inside, and it made us curious to go inside.

We were greeted by Judi Curtis, a longtime volunteer and part of the brain trust that maintains this very special place. Judi had us sign in and we exchanged business cards. As we were doing that, we were also looking around at all the fascinating objects and exhibits. We were anxious to explore and learn more. [Read More]

Chief Buffalo: A Leader's Legacy in Preserving Ojibwe Rights

by Ian Kosharek age 11

Kechewaishke, known as Chief Buffalo, was the tribal leader of the Lake Superior Ojibwe people. He lived in La Pointe, which today is known as Madeline Island. Kechwaishke was born in 1759 and died in 1855.

Kechewaishke played a major role in signing treaties between the U.S. government and the Ojibwe tribe. He was well known for his work to conserve lands for Native Americans in Wisconsin, resisting attempts by the U.S. government to take away territories. Kechewaishke and the tribe peacefully protested against the U.S. government. His people valued and recognized his ability to speak publicly, and other Ojibwe tribes in the area began to recruit him as a spokesperson to negotiate treaties with the government.

Kechewaishke served as an authority figure who represented Ojibwe tribes in the Lake Superior region for the treaties of 1837 and 1842. In these treaties, he wrote letters describing his discontent with the United States government and its actions to gain control of native land to access lumber and other natural resources. At 93 years old, Kechewaishke even went to Washington, D.C., with other tribal leaders to speak about the injustices they faced by the government with President Millard Filmore. [Read More]

The “Mataafa Blow” of 1905 was Lake Superior’s Greatest Storm

by Will DeFour, age 13

Lake Superior has sunk over 500 ships, claiming an estimated 30,000 lives. This lake's ability to sink ships is primarily attributed to the terrifying storms that terrorize its mountain-like waves. With hail storms, frigid waters, and winds reaching 70 miles an hour, it's no wonder this lake has taken so many lives. Some ships have become famous, such as the Edmund Fitzgerald, but one legendary storm sank almost 20 boats in just two days.

On November 27, 1905, this behemoth of a storm hit Lake Superior, caused by a low and high-pressure system violently hitting each other. Some captains foolishly tried to brave the storm. Those who attempted had to retreat to their harbors or sink thousands of feet below. Capt. Richard F. Humble of the Mataafa decided to brave the storm, not knowing that the sheer weight of this storm would soon humble him.

On the first day of the storm, after 12 hours of winds reaching hurricane speeds, Humble realized that there was no way he could face the weather. With snow falling so quickly that he could not see anything beyond the ship, the crew made their way closer to shore. The captain said, "The sea [Lake Superior] had become so large that it was running over our decks on both sides." Humble, with his back to the storm, decided to sail back to his home port as quickly as he could, unaware of the horrors that would await him there. [Read More]

Wisconsin History and the Invention of Typewriters

by Sedona Afeworki, age 15

Christopher Latham Sholes created the first practical typewriter in 1874, right here in Wisconsin.

He was born in Pennsylvania in 1819 after finishing his apprenticeship in newspapering and moved to Green Bay when he was 18 years old. There, he started working for his brothers at the Wisconsin Democrat as a publisher. Around a year later, his brothers promoted him to edit the Madison Enquirer. Sholes later moved to Kenosha and created the Southport Telegraph, which he worked on for seventeen years. He also worked in Wisconsin politics, organizing the Republican Party and Free Soil Party, which resulted in a successful campaign to outlaw the death penalty.

In the fall of 1867, Sholes created a working typewriter with the help of Matthias Schwalbach, a machinist, and Samuel Soule, an inventor. Later, he had a test race with the superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph; the superintendent was writing with his hand and Sholes using the new typewriter. In the end, Sholes was quicker in finishing the sentence. One would think it would give them more sales, yet that wasn’t the case. [Read More]

The Green Bay Packers, From Bankruptcy to Community-Owned NFL Legacy

by Kaleab Afeworki, age 11

You may have heard of the Green Bay Packers, but did you know that this successful NFL team once faced bankruptcy? It's true!

Back in the early days, Green Bay, the smallest city in Wisconsin to join the NFL, had a relatively small fan base and limited financial resources. This situation left the Packers in precarious financial shape during the 1920s. In 1935, they hit a critical point, ultimately going bankrupt. To navigate this financial crisis, they established a new company known as Green Bay Packers Inc. and raised $15,000 by selling stock shares of the team to the public.

The team's founding fathers, Ed "Curly" Lambeau, after whom the stadium was named, and George Calhoun, played pivotal roles in the Packers' history. The name "Packers" itself has an interesting historical connection. It was inspired by Lambeau's affiliation with the Indian Packing Corporation, a meatpacking company. This choice resonated with the working-class residents who made up the core of the Green Bay community during that era. [Read More]

Exploring the Award-Winning Restoration of the 1868 Brisbane House in Arena, Wisconsin

by Ayelen Flores Ruiz, age 13

The historic Brisbane House in Arena, Wisconsin, is renowned for its builder's past. William Henry Brisbane, known as an "abolitionist," faced significant scrutiny when he embraced this cause and subsequently relocated from his Southern home state.

Born on October 12, 1806, Brisbane began his journey as a cadet at the Norwich Military Academy in Norwich, Vermont. He later inherited 33 enslaved individuals from his family. While residing in a South Carolina house with his slaves, Brisbane underwent a transformation in his beliefs, recognizing the inherent wrongfulness of slavery. He made the courageous decision to set his slaves free, a move that garnered heavy criticism and disdain from his community. Nonetheless, this opposition did not deter him from persisting in his human rights campaign. To escape judgment and pursue his cause, Brisbane left South Carolina and settled in what is now Arena, Wisconsin, embarking on a new chapter in his life.

Brisbane harbored grand plans to construct a house where he could reside and eventually provide accommodation for others after his passing. The house was built in the "I-style," a design Southerners transported with them when they migrated North. Characterized by its towering structure and an interior adorned with numerous large windows that facilitated excellent ventilation in the summer, the house also featured tall doors. Remarkably, the house still stands in good condition. [Read More]

The Last Voyage of the SS Phoenix

by Kelly Vazquez, age 17

On November 11th, 1847, the steamboat S.S. Phoenix, was sailing across Lake Michigan. It carried an estimated 293 passengers, many of whom were immigrants from the Netherlands. However, many of these passengers would never go on to see their destination.

Around 4:00 am on November 21st, smoke began to escape the ship's engine room as the boilers overheated and set overhead wooden beams on fire. When the crewmen discovered the fire, the Phoenix was within seven miles of the town of Sheboygan.

Although at first, the crew managed to contain the flames, the fire raged out of control shortly after. The ship's passengers were alerted and First Mate Watts organized the crew and passengers into a bucket brigade (passing buckets of water down a line of people) in an attempt to fight the fire. The fire continued to grow. Watts ordered the ship to turn towards the shore, but the fire overwhelmed the engine room and the ship drifted until it stopped about five miles from shore and nine miles from Sheboygan. [Read More]

Deep Diving for History: Another Ancient Canoe Found in Lake Mendota

by Theodore Morrison, age 15

An ancient canoe dating back three millennia has recently been unearthed from the bottom of Lake Mendota. This artifact was discovered by Tamara Thomsen, a regular scuba diver in the lake, who was teaching a diving lesson to a student when she spotted what would end up being the exposed end of the canoe.

The canoe could be dated as far back as 1000 BCE! To put that in perspective, Japan, one of the oldest existing nations on the planet, was founded in 660 BCE, making the canoe older. This is not the only bizarre thing about the discovery: Thomsen also discovered the previous record-holder for the oldest intact canoe, in Wisconsin just a year ago.

The canoe was crafted by ancestors of the tribe now known as the Ho-Chunk Nation. This canoe was praised by archaeologist Amy Rosebrough saying, “I don’t have many words for what this is right now. I can’t really think of much that competes with this. I really can’t. I mean Wisconsin has incredible archaeology, but this is stellar.” The quote exemplifies the quality of the product the pre-Ho-Chunk Nation people made and the state of its preservation. [Read More]

Ezekiel Gillespie Helped Secure Voting Rights in Wisconsin

by Melanie Bautista, age 16

Ezekiel Gillespie was a civil rights activist that was known for his accomplishments and his big impact in the African American community in Wisconsin.

Gillespie was born into slavery in 1818 in the state of Tennessee. After he bought his freedom for $800, he moved around the country, eventually moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1854. There, he focused on challenges faced by the African American community.

Gillespie was active in the Underground Railroad during the Civil War. Gillespie became a messenger for the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, where he helped escaped slaves travel to northern states, including Wisconsin. [Read More]

Tony Bennett's Remarkable Basketball Journey from Player to NCAA Championship Coach

by Owen Atayi, age 15

Tony Bennett is currently a National College Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball head coach for the Virginia Cavaliers. However, Bennett isn’t simply just a coach; he was first a great basketball player.

Anthony Guy Bennett was born June 1, 1969, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Growing up, Bennett enjoyed playing the game of basketball. In high school, Bennett was a six-foot point guard who attended Green Bay Preble High School. After high school, Bennett made a big jump to college basketball where he represented his father, Dick Bennett on the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Phoenix men’s basketball team.

In college, Bennett averaged 21.5 points per game as a junior and 20.2 points per game as a senior. Bennett wasn’t just your ordinary basketball player. He shot a whopping 51 percent from the three-point range. Bennett finished off his college career in 1992 and was named Mid-Continent Conference’s all-time leader, along with many other NCAA accolades. [Read More]

Why You Should Visit Wisconsin River

by Elim Eyobed, age 11

Have you ever been to the Wisconsin River? We’ve heard from explorers that it is a good place for boating, fishing, and camping. Other benefits of going to the Wisconsin River are the numerous animal species.

The Wisconsin River is a great resource of food, water, and space for many different species like beavers, otters and fish. It is also a great source of business specifically for Native people, explorers, and fur trappers.

The Wisconsin River has been used as a way of transporting materials like logs for lumber or paper. Logs are floated down the river and sent to Central Wisconsin where they are used for things like building houses. There have also been many dams built along the Wisconsin River, supplying electricity to the rest of the state. The Wisconsin River is a 430 mile long tributary of the Mississippi river. [Read More]

What Life Was Like for Wisconsin's Early People

by Max Moreno, age 9

It is challenging to think about what life was like a thousand years ago. However, how about thinking all the way back to 10,000 years ago, when Wisconsin Natives were constructing living areas, tools, and mounds.

As time went on, people from different regions began to settle in what is now known as Wisconsin. For example, native groups from the Mississippi area traveled up the Mississippi River to reach Wisconsin. They planted gardens and began to set up living areas, growing crops such as corn and beans.

These early people in Wisconsin also were forming communities, and establishing rules and traditions that were shared from one family generation to another. [Read More]

The Armistice Day Blizzard: Worst Winter Storm in Wisconsin History

by Theodore B. Morrison, age 14

Anyone who lives in the northern Midwest has experienced his or her fair share of snowstorms. These snowstorms though, do not compare to the Armistice Day Blizzard, one of the most devastating natural disasters in Wisconsin’s history.

The name originates from the storm which occurred on Armistice Day, now known as Veterans Day, a day that celebrated the end of World War I and a new period of peace. However, this blizzard was anything but peaceful.

The Armistice Day Blizzard on November 11 and 12, 1940 caused a drastic drop in temperature that resulted in more than 150 deaths in Wisconsin. The blizzard formed when cold northern air combined with warm moisture from the Gulf Coast, which created a sudden drop in air pressure. The storm generated winds up to 80 MPH, creating 20-foot snowdrifts, laying down a foot of snow, and conditions similar to those of a hurricane. [Read More]

The Ancient City of Aztalan Is a Wisconsin Mystery

by Eleanor Pleasnick, age 13

Most people know that there are ruins of ancient cities and towns all over the world. Even Wisconsin has them, and Aztalan is one of the most famous ancient sites in our state. Aztalan is also the largest historical site in Wisconsin.

You can find the ancient remains of Aztalan, which is now a Wisconsin State Park, about 30 miles east of Madison and approximately 50 miles west of Milwaukee. This area, now known to be the northernmost settlement occupied by the ancient Mississipians, is close to both the small town of Lake Mills and the Crawfish River.

The Middle Mississippian people originally migrated to Aztalan around 1100 A.D. Archeologists have found many cultural remains in the area. By studying the evidence, archeologists believe that people migrated to Aztalan from a large Mississippian city called Cahokia, located in an area that is now Illinois. The remains at Cahokia and at Aztalan show many similarities, which has led archaeologists to make this connection. [Read More]

Large Meteor Crashes to Earth in Wisconsin

by Justin Medina Ruiz, age 13

In April of 2010, a large meteor struck across the Midwest skies, passing Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri at an altitude ranging between 6,000 to 12,000 feet. The meteoroid released heavy amounts of sound energy, known as a sonic boom, which was heard hundreds of miles away.

The meteoroid rapidly decreased in size, burning up, as it traveled down through the Earth’s sub-atmosphere, until it eventually crashed near Lancaster, Wisconsin. According to the National Weather Service, no one was injured. The impact, however, destroyed several trees and houses and left a huge scar on the Earth’s surface. Scientists estimated that while burning up, it exploded with a force equivalent to 20 tons of TNT.

This is not the first account of a meteor crash in Wisconsin. On record, approximately 13 meteorites have hit the State since the 1860s. These cometary remains were observed. They weighed between one and 530 pounds. When meteors are spotted in the sky, they are called “falls,” and when recovered from the ground, they are called “finds.” [Read More]

Ed "Strangler" Lewis: Wisconsin's World Champion

by Moore Vang, age 13

Ed “Strangler” Lewis was one of the most famous athletes in the world in the 1920s and 1930s, along with baseball player Babe Ruth and boxer Jack Dempsy. During that time, he managed to win five world championships and made the sport of wrestling more popular around the world.

Robert Friedrich, later known as Ed Lewis, was born on June 30, 1891, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. When he was 13, he and his family moved to Wood County, which is where he began wrestling. In high school, his team had a match near Wisconsin Rapids where he would defeat the local champion after a long fought battle in front of 300 people. Robert took on all types of competitors throughout high school and won most of his matches.

He then briefly attended Ripon College, but the opportunity to wrestle professionally inspired him to drop out. On July 4th, 1916, Robert participated in a five and a half hour long wrestling match – one of the longest in history. He fought against Joe Stretcher, a former wrestling champion. Although the match ended in a draw, four years later, in 1920, Robert defeated Stretcher to win the world championship title for the first time. [Read More]

Wisconsin Supreme Court 4-3 Decision Sparks Open Records Debate

by Leilani McNeal, age 17

Open government watchdogs say a recent 4-3 decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court might weaken part the state’s landmark 1982 Open Records Law. The court ruled citizens are only entitled to certain types of open records requests if there is “some judicially sanctioned change in the parties’ legal relationship.”

The opinion dates back to a 2017 lawsuit filed by Waukesha residents and a taxpayer group, Friends of Frame Park. The dispute concerned city plans to bring an amateur baseball team to the community.

The litigants were granted their records request, but later denied access to a proposed draft contract between the City of Waukesha and Big Top Baseball. But city officials claimed public access during ongoing negotiations might compromise the future contract. Waukesha officials said “public disclosure of the draft contract before the Common Council has had an opportunity to consider the draft” might hinder negotiations. [Read More]

Wisconsin's Long History of Devastating Winter Weather

by Daniel Li, age 14

Although many people have a very loose definition of a blizzard, the official classification requires the storm to last for longer than three hours with winds of at least 35 miles per hour.

Light blizzards are merely just a part of the weather in many places. Today, if you’re stuck in traffic, you can turn on the heat and listen to the radio, or if you’re at home, you can watch TV, read a book and just relax. But back in the 1800s and early 1900s, these luxuries didn’t exist. There were no government services to assist people in need, and if you hadn’t stocked up on food, chances were you would go hungry. Houses were many times eaten by animals, destroying insulation and roofing.

Having your house eaten is always bad news, but more so in colder areas such as Wisconsin – one of the coldest states on average in the US. The record low was -55 degrees Fahrenheit in 1996, in Couderay (15 years prior, Couderay hit 53 degrees below). The lowest recorded temperature in the United States was just 15 degrees lower, at -70 degrees Fahrenheit. Current daily averages in the winter are seldom above 30 degrees Fahrenheit, while lows can be well in the negatives. [Read More]

How Madison Became Wisconsin’s Capital City — by Jason Medina Ruiz, age 11

Madison was founded in 1836 and became Wisconsin’s state capital in 1838. Wisconsin was introduced as a state in 1848, the same year the campus of the University of Wisconsin was established in Madison. The downtown area of Madison was created on an isthmus between Lakes Mendota and Monona. An isthmus is a narrow strip of land between two bodies of water. The city was also named after James Madison, the fourth president of the United States. Madison resides on Ho-Chunk land, and they call it Taychopera or Dejope. This translates to “land of four lakes” in the Ho-Chunk language. [Read More]

The Boaz Mastodon: Wisconsin’s Famous Fossil — by Anissa Attidekou, age 12

The Boaz mastodon is a fossil of a mastodon discovered near Boaz, Wisconsin in 1897. A mastodon is an elephant but harrier. A spear made of stone found near the Boaz mastodon shows that humans once hunted the mastodon. They lived in North America, Asia, and Africa, during the Ice Age. During the last Ice Age, many giants like the mastodon and mammoth roamed Wisconsin. [Read More]

Exploring Wisconsin's 'Shipwreck Coast' — by Dyami Rodriguez, age 16

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) named Lake Michigan’s Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast a National Maritime Sanctuary in 2021, six years after its nomination by local communities. A new addition to the National Marine Sanctuary System, Wisconsin’s Shipwreck Coast became the second sanctuary in the Great Lakes and third freshwater sanctuary. [Read More]

The Peshtigo Firestorm and Tornado — by Jeremiah Warren, age 11

The Peshtigo fire was a huge fire that destroyed the town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin on October 8, 1871. Although the fire is considered one of the deadliest fires in America history, somehow it is largely forgotten. [Read More]

Wisconsin’s First State Park: Interstate Park at the St. Croix Dalles — by Leilani McNeal, age 16

1.1 billion years ago, a mysterious rift, ranging from the depths of Lake Superior to present-day Iowa appeared. From the cracks of this rift, came oozing lava, hardening into a substance known as basalt. Over the next 500 million years, these natural occurrences worked in tandem with one another to support a sea of water which floored the entirety of this dark, gray material. The deposition of sand and silt from the sea led to the creation of sandstone and shale. Increased global temperatures promoted the shift of myriad glaciers across the state of Wisconsin, carving out the area’s famous potholes that are widely recognized today as the St. Croix Dalles. [Read More]

How the Bombing of UW’s Sterling Hall Changed the Anti-war Movement — by Dyami Rodriguez, age 16

On August 24th 1970, a bomb went off outside Sterling Hall at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a result of the attack, a university researcher was killed and others were injured. The cost of the bombing was 6 million dollars and years worth of research. The people behind the bombing were a group called “The New Year’s Gang.” The group consisted of four people: David Fine, Leo Burt, Dwight Armstrong, and Karl Armstrong. The bomb attack on Sterling Hall occurred in the context of protests against the Vietnam war. [read more]

America's Red Scare: Wisconsin Senator Joe McCarthy Used Fear and Intimidation to Hunt Communists and Subvert Civil Liberties — by Sandy Flores-Ruiz, age 15

Joseph McCarthy was one of the most controversial politicians in American history. He served as a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, from when he was first elected in 1947 until his death in 1957. He is known for declaring that communist spies and sympathizers had penetrated the U.S. federal government and for launching anti-communist investigations that polarized the country. [Read More]