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Birds of Wisconsin

More Snowy Owls Spend the Winter in Wisconsin

by Dayanara Flores, age 17

Snowy owls have been seen more in Wisconsin this winter than last, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

As of January, there were 84 snowy owl sightings in Wisconsin during this past winter. the most in several years. In the winter of 2023-24, only 24 snowy owls were seen in our state, the lowest number in the last decade.

But between 2022 and 2023, 36 snowy owls were documented in the state. Surprisingly, 140 were recorded between 2021 and 2022, which is called an irruption, or a big population growth. [Read More]

Study Reveals PFAS Contamination in Wisconsin Bald Eagles

by Samuel Garduño, age 16

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl chemical compounds, more commonly known as PFAS or forever chemicals, are odorless and tasteless compounds known to be produced in the US since the 1940s. What many people don’t realize, however, is that they are significantly more common than speculated. They are found in our air and water; stain-resistant materials, clothing, carpets, nonstick cookware, food packaging, firefighting foam; and so many other everyday essentials. Although PFAS are extremely common, scientists are still learning all of their effects.

Wildlife isn’t exempt from the threat of PFAS. Although testing has prioritized bald eagles, Wisconsin has also examined other wildlife, including fish, deer, waterfowl, and small mammals. Bald eagles are a prime candidate, as they are an apex predator of the food chain and a prized, almost sacred, animal amongst the American public. Since bald eagles are at the top of the food chain, their blood will show a presence of PFAS, metals, pesticides, and contaminants that amass through indirect and direct exposure. What happens in the environment parallels what affects humans. [Read More]

The Northern Harrier Is a Small Hunter that Lives in Wisconsin’s Grasslands

by Sofia Zapata, age 14

There are many animals in Wisconsin, but many people may not have heard about northern harriers.

The northern harrier is similar to a hawk and it is the only harrier in North America. Northern harriers have an owl-like facial disk that allows them to hunt by sound, as well as by sight. All northern harriers have a white rump patch. Adult male harriers are gray, while adult females and juveniles are brown.

This species is often found in fields and marshes during nesting season. However, they also live in many kinds of wet and dry open terrain, where there is good ground cover. [Read More]

Endangered Bird Species Makes a Comeback in Wisconsin

by Sofia Zapata, age 13

The Kirtland’s Warbler was one of the first birds that were on the endangered species list, created in 1973. This type of bird is a gray and yellow songbird, they are a beautiful and unique species.

The habitat of the Kirtland’s Warbler is in forests and grassy areas located in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Canada. During winter, these birds migrate to sunny places like the Bahamas. When they fly back to the U.S., they stop to rest in forests and marshes. [Read More]

You Can Find the Beautiful Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in Your Own Backyard

by Sofia Zapata, age 12

Have you seen any Ruby-throated Hummingbirds flying in your neighborhood recently? They are commonly seen in Wisconsin, but usually only during the warmer months. The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are the only breeding hummingbird in eastern North America. In the bright sun, these beautiful, tiny, precision-flying birds sparkle like gems, then dart away to their next food source.

A Ruby-throated Hummingbird has fascinating attributes that make their tiny physical futures unique. Their wings flap up to 55 times a second at a relaxed pace. However, when a hummingbird increases their speed while moving forward, they flap 75 times a second. The wings of this hummingbird aren’t the only things that go at a fast pace. The tiny hearts of these birds beat 225 times per minute and can increase to 1,250 beats per minute. Compared to hummingbirds, the human heart averages from 60-100 bpm. This is to put the physical abilities of the ruby-throated hummingbirds into perspective. [Read More]

Barn Owl Sightings Increase in Wisconsin, but
the Future of this Iconic Bird Remains in Doubt

by Juanes Palma, age 9

In 2018, a unique species of barn owls were reported for the first time in over two decades in Wisconsin by The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The owls were spotted in September of 2018 as a pair of these birds were found in the cavity of a dead tree. Recently, there has been an increase in barn owl sightings in Wisconsin and other near states.

These creatures usually live in the dark and are known for their white heart-shaped faces. There are about 46 different known species of barn owls around the world. Scientists have studied these barn owls through the small pellets that are coughed up after they eat their prey. These pellets contain indigestible parts of the owl’s foods such as skulls, bones, and fur. Using owl pellets, researchers have learned a lot about their diets and the ecosystems they belong to. [Read More]

Winter Finches Are Taking Their Time to Migrate

By John Agbo, age 14

This year’s Winter Finch Forecast released by the Finch Research Network suggests a slower year for migratory birds arriving in Wisconsin.

During the winter, many species of Wisconsin’s migratory songbirds fly South, searching for food sources and warmer temperatures. This season also usually attracts birds from farther north, from Canada, for the same reasons. The number of birds flying to Wisconsin and other states varies every year, depending on the availability of crops and berries. However, recent patterns indicate that many birds hesitate to make this journey. They have remained in their northern habitats longer than usual. [Read More]

Blue Jays Are Nature’s Colorful Songbirds

by Abigail Gezae, age 12

Blue Jays are interesting animals with a variety of skills. They are beautifully colored birds, with blue and white on their stomach and chest.

Blue Jays are intelligent and adaptable. They are also among the loudest birds and can make various musical sounds. They can feed on almost anything and are classified as omnivores. Their diet consists of seeds, nuts, and insects.

Blue Jays build their nests with a bulky open cup made of twigs, grass, weeds, bark strips, moss, and sometimes held together with mud. Regarding nesting, both parents are involved in bringing food to the young. Young ones leave the nest 17-21 days after hatching. [Read More]

Wisconsin Wonders, The Great Egret's Migration Journey

by Lina Al’Quraishi, age 9

One of the first things people notice about the Great Egret is its long neck, but there is more to know about it besides its heron-like features. The bird's body is mainly white with black legs. They have bright yellow bills with some green coloration extending from the bill to the eyes. They can also have bright yellow eyes with big black pupils.

Great Egrets eat a variety of foods. When they hunt, they will eat anything they can fit into their mouths to survive. This typically includes small mammals, frogs, small fish, and more.

The Great Egret is the largest egret species. They live on Mexico's coasts and in South and Central America all year round. In the spring, they make their way to northern regions – Wisconsin, Iowa, and other parts of the midwest – where they breed in shallow water, ponds, artificial lakes, and canals. [Read More]

Three Wisconsin Birds that Weigh Less than an Ounce

by Joseph Zheng, age 10

Wisconsin's smallest birds can weigh less than a pencil. The Downy woodpecker, American goldfinch, and house sparrow are all examples of small birds commonly found in the state.

The Downy woodpecker is 11 to 14 centimeters long and typically weighs around 20 grams. These woodpeckers are frequently seen at bird feeders, where they enjoy suet, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and even peanut butter. Downy woodpeckers are also fond of drinking sugar water. They produce high-pitched calls that are easy to recognize, along with rapid drumming sounds created by tapping their feet during mating displays, which can sound continuous due to their speed.

The American goldfinch, another small bird, is 11 to 14 centimeters long and weighs 11 to 20 grams. These bright yellow birds are common in Wisconsin and are attracted to sunflower and Nyjer seeds. However, they are often intimidated by larger birds and prefer quiet spaces to feed. Goldfinches are strict vegetarians, feeding mainly on seeds—a rarity among birds, as most feed on insects. To ensure their young have enough to eat, goldfinches breed a month later than other birds. Their call is often described as sounding like the words "potato chip" stretched out. [Read More]

Rare Roseate Spoonbill Sighted in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Astonishing Birding Community

by Mariama Bah, age 16

A mysterious bird, described as a pink football on short stilts, was recently spotted alive in Green Bay for the first time. Its unexpected appearance generated excitement within the Wisconsin birding community, marking the return of a bird that had long been absent from the region.

On the morning of July 26th, Logan Lasee, a Bay Area Bird Club member, was monitoring endangered piping plovers in the Cat Island restoration area when he noticed something pink that immediately caught his attention. [Read More]

The Short-eared Owl Is a Year-long Resident of Wisconsin

by Edwin Torres, age 12

The Short-eared Owl is an owl species that is native to Wisconsin, Canada, and other northern parts of the U.S. Fortunately for those looking to spot them, the Short-eared Owl lives all year round in those areas. This owl can travel long distances. People have reported sightings that are hundreds of miles away from land.

A Pueo is a subspecies of a Short-eared Owl only native to Hawaii and resides on several Hawaiian islands. It is believed that the Pueo might have descended from Native Alaskan ancestors.

A Short-eared Owl has very short ears, which are difficult to see. Despite this, they have really good hearing. Their sharp hearing can be useful when hunting animals, especially smaller ones. A very visible physical attribute of the Short-eared Owl is its black-rimmed yellow eyes. This owl also has a pale face and rounded wings. [Read More]

How You Can Help Save Our Songbirds

by Mariama Bah, age 16

Since 1970, the North American bird population has declined by 30%. Bobolinks and Canada jays—among others— are rapidly disappearing from Wisconsin’s spring soundscape. But this trend is reversible, with a little help from the public.

Recently, the Wisconsin Bird Conservation and the Natural Resources Foundation partnered to start the campaign Save Our Songbirds (SOS) to combat the decrease of many bird populations.

The campaign asks Wisconsinites to do three things: fix problem windows, buy coffee grown in bird-friendly locations, and grow native plants that are good for birds. [Read More]

Bah on Birds: The Piping Plover

by Mariama Bah, age 14

Sandy beach shores and tidal flats are where the Piping Plover can be found nesting. Charadrius melodus is known for its small sand-colored body. They are hard to identify until they start running, when you can see their white underbelly and bright orange legs. The plovers eat a diet of insects, spiders, and crustaceans that are native to the environment around them.

Efforts to save the Piping Plover started in 1985 with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and recovery plans developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Now there are multiple research centers—private and public—that serve the Piping Plover and are devoted to protecting the avian species. But there is still a long way to go. [Read More]

Learn How to Help Wisconsin Pollinator Populations for a Blooming Ecosystem

by Camila Cruz, age 15

Many people undervalue our pollinators, but about 87% of flowering plants worldwide depend on them. And there are many ways we can help support them, from letting lawns grow to avoiding pesticides.

Pollinators are creatures that go from plant to plant to consume nectar and pollen. In doing this, they spread the pollen, helping plants reproduce. Pollen is necessary to fertilize plants. Some of the most popular pollinators in North America are hummingbirds, moths, flower flies, beetles, bees, butterflies, and, in the southwestern parts of the U.S. and Mexico, nectar-feeding bats. [Read More]

It’s an “Interruption Year” in Wisconsin:
Snowy Owls Are Moving South

by Mariama Bah, age 15

Keep your eye to the ground and be careful when you’re walking in the Arctic Tundra, because you may find a snowy owl nesting site. Treeless, wide, hilly spaces are where snowy owls prefer to nest and hunt. These owls mainly eat small mammals, but their diet can range from rodents and rabbits to ducks and geese.

North of the Arctic Circle is home for snowy owls during most of the year. During a typical winter, small groups of owls migrate into southern Canada and northern Wisconsin. Every handful of years, however, an “interruption” occurs. During those years, large numbers of snowy owls move south as far as the southern United States. Reasons for this odd behavior are unknown.

Wisconsin is seeing its first interruption year since 2018 right now. More than 150 snowy owls have been spotted with reports coming from counties all around the state. [Read More]

Cardinals in Wisconsin: These Beautiful Birds are Moving North

by Allison Torres, age 13

Northern cardinals are highly valued and favored songbirds in North America. These birds typically nest in Northern Wisconsin, along with parts of Minnesota and even Canada.

Cardinals generally avoid the south of North America and stay up north, mainly for the mass abundance of sunflower seeds which is a popular bird feeder. A cardinal’s eating period mainly occur in early morning and late night. As prey, they try to camouflage to hide from their predators. Aside from sunflower seeds, cardinals feed on insects, berries, and vegetables. In the colder months, cardinals travel in flocks to find more food.

During non-winter seasons, males and females usually raise their offspring together in nests hidden in bushes. [Read More]

Wisconsin's Year-Round Birds

by Ruben Becerril Gonzalez, age 10

Have you heard of some of Wisconsin’s year-round birds? Today, I’m going to talk about the American Robin, Mourning Dove, and Song Sparrow.

To start, the American Robin is Wisconsin’s state bird. These birds are gray and brown on their upper body and top and have orange bellies. They have darker brown or black heads with white spots to highlight their eyes. Their beaks are yellow and their tails are medium sized. The American Robin’s size can range from 7.9 to 11 inches long and have wingspans as big as 15.8 inches. When it comes to their diet, robins are very picky! They typically like chopped apples or mealworms. Throughout the year, Robins like to live in shrubs, snow, and even woodlands! [Read More]

Citizen Scientists Track Hummingbirds in Wisconsin

by Camila Cruz, age 14

You should consider yourself lucky if you see a hummingbird, and especially lucky if they are close enough for you to hear them.

The noise of a hummingbird comes from its wings, which move very fast. A hummingbird’s wings move about 75 times per second.

Cynthia Bridge, founder of the Western Great Lakes Hummingbird Project, is one of three hummingbird banders in Wisconsin. “They are the most incredible to experience when they hover near your head in the garden, where you can hear the humming of their wings,” she said. [Read More]

News from the Nest: Three New Peregrine Falcons Hatch in Downtown Madison

by Mariama Bah, age 14

Since 2015, peregrine falcons Trudy and Melvin have been nesting at the Blount Generating Center owned by Madison Gas and Electric (MGE). Three chicks hatched in May and were named and banded on June 3rd. MGE decided to name them after the neighborhoods that surrounded them when they were born. The male falcon was named Willy, after Williamson Street. Willy’s sisters, Jennifer and Brearly, were named after Jennifer Street and Brearly Street.

In the 1950s, peregrine falcons were a fairly common species in North America. But by the 1960s, their population was declining quickly. Scientists discovered this decline was due to the widespread use of DDT, an effective yet harmful insecticide used in gardens and on farms. The DDT directly affected the food-chain and falcon physiology. Specifically, it caused the birds to lay fragile eggs and ignore their young. [Read More]